Poker Hands and Strategy


Pulled my first 28 hand in cribbage Wednesday.

Back to pokerz…


You didn’t cut the same suit jack? Rookie! :grin:

555Ts cut 5s, I had the suits correct. No J so not even a draw at the big boy.

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I need to remember that when I try to force the action and make players react to me, I usually do poorly. I do better when I have a “read and react” mindset and take what the game gives me.

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@WAR I’m back in Dallas today playing some lol 5/5/25 PLO, is this your usual game? Just pure bingo tonight

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Nice chin diaper, dealer.

Watching the PLO battle plan course on crush live poker. It’s good but so weird as half the hands they use are from Stones and feature Mike Postle.

5/5 PLO.

I open to 15 UTG with QQJTds and get four callers. Flop is AA9 with two clubs. Checked around. Turn is another ace. Checked to the CO, who bets 15. He’s the sort who would take a stab here with air. Other players would call him with hands like 88xx when they’re not closing the action. Button and the blinds fold and I call. River is the case ace. The board reads AA9AA. I have the second nuts. Villain thinks I am tight and should read me as having a decent full house. He would probably fold JJxx if he bet and I raised, but he might check behind with that. He mostly hasn’t learned how to bet any amount other than pot.

Would you bet/fold, bet/call, check/call, or check/fold? I don’t think there’s a player in my game where bet/3bet or check/raise are legitimate options against them.

I checked with the intention of calling any bet because he’s the sort who sometimes gets a one-track mind and makes bad river bluffs after he bluffs the turn. I considered bet/fold, but I block JJxx and TTxx, the hands he might call with but check behind, so maybe hoping to bluff-catch is better.

Seems like an easy bluffcatch, for the reasons you mentioned.

Note to self : No one ever ever check raises the river as a bluff. Even if they can only have a single hand that makes any kind of sense, they have that exact hand every time.

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For this exact reason I make this bluff a lot.

Holy shit! I am playing in a 10NL game that just went 23 hands between flops. I won 5. Took two down with 3-bets and opened the other two for 3x UTG and won the blinds. Just saw the first multi-way flop in over 30 hands. Thinking this game might not be worth my time.

HA! Fuck you Ignition!

First hand at the table. Fuckers got greedy.

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You remember that scene from Margin Call after the first meeting where Will Emerson says: “Oh it happens all the time. Except to me.” ?

Thats how I feel when I see other people winning these juicy 20k bounties on the PS pros in that 55$ MTT. One got busted with KK on A9x allin vs 98. Runout 98. Another busted with AA 3way allin pre against QT, although hitting fh. Its just funny that people fold their hands in these spots. I had quads twice and despite getting checkraised both times on the river I didnt get paid in full. I really suck at the game but putting in a serious effort doesnt really seems worth it.

Whats the play here.

3 handed in $340 Mtt live.

Blinds are 15k/30k with a 30k bba.

Hero on button with 800k. SB has 500K. Bb has 3.5m.

Hero raises to 75k with As9s. Sb ships. Bb folds.


Solver says open shove that with 14bb. As played it’s calling down to A6s, so I guess call.


Thanks. I called and lost the hand. Wasn’t sure if I should call.

I had 800k and bb was 30k. I had 26bb.

Opponent tendencies are really important in this spot. At equilibrium it is a marginally correct call. These charts are based off a payout of 16.76%, 9.84%, 7.01%.


Unless the BB is excessively tight, I’d rather start with a limp.

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Interesting. I need to start playing with this software. Thanks.