Poker Hands and Strategy

Your line here seems perfectly reasonable. Only thing you didn’t mention was your idea of his perception of you.

If he didn’t have a physical tell on you he might have been over calling as a strat adjust to players, in general, defending wider and bluffing more because of range advantage.

It was totally wrong and years ago people folded their blind way too often to small raises. The 3b-or-fold strategy is one big reason why small raise sizing developed, and the correct counter is to defend wider by adding calling hands.


Well in the last orbit I 3 bet him in my SB with AJs and he came over the top and I folded. I’d also lost a couple of dumb hands to the fish since I sat down. So I guess he thought I might be getting frustrated, which i kinda was, but I still thought it was a decent spot to bluff. So as WAR pointed out, I’m probably just being a tellbox heh.

Maybe my math is lol bad but if Player 1 is opening approx 24 percent and caller calling approx 14 percent of hands we barely have the equity to call with A3s not considering position, etc.

How much equity do you think we have? How much equity do you think we need?

Fucking Ignition has gone down two days in a row while I’m playing a tournament. They responded to yesterday’s fuck up by blaming my connection and giving me tips on how to connect, but gave me a refund ticket out of the goodness of their hearts. Motherfuckers. The message in the lobby is ‘Sorry, we’re currently down for maintenance. Please come back later.’ Site is total garbage.

Played poker for the first time in forever. All the pre-Covid dealers were still there which was nice to see. The room was lively and had a very jubilant atmosphere. I think people were just happy to be back around other people.

No interesting hands to note from me. But about an hour in the 9 seat hit a Royal. He made a $5 bet on the river into a pot of about $100. 3 seat made it $50 which the 9 seat just doubled to $100 and told the 3 not to call. 3 seat calls anyway lol. 9 seat wins the pot and a $500 bonus. Tossed the 3 seat back a black chip. They didn’t appear to know each other at all or anything so that was very surprisingly generous.

That was the kind of atmosphere until a few hours later when the 9 seat was filled by someone new and the standard poker player scumbaggery returned. The new 9 seat mis-announced their hand twice in like two orbits. Both times stating a better hand than what they held. The second time they did it was in a 300 BB pot where his opponent mucked after hearing he was beat. Obvious chaos ensued when the 9 seat flipped over J high instead of the straight they announced. The two players agreed to split the pot after 5 minutes of arguing as the floor was walking back from checking the tape. So I was entertained for the afternoon.

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Ignition 9-handed 25NL

Folds to me in LJ with 87hh, raise to $0.75, CO and BB call
Flop TJ6h, I bet $1.12, CO raise to $3.12, BB folds, I tank-call
Turn 4h, I check, CO bets $5 into $8.17, I jam $20.78 within 15 seconds

Is this a punt? It looked like a good spot to semi-bluff in the moment. I figure I had 35% showdown equity against his range, but not sure how much fold equity I need to make this a good play.

CO snaps with TT, river is 9s and I win $48.15

I don’t like it. Villain is repping a big hand, you got the perfect card to crack his big hand, so I’m just check calling on the turn. But a read on villain would be helpful!

Lol that guy is too friendly! If anything the guy could flip him $50 for his call, not a whole $100 wtf. People like that actually make me kind of uncomfortable because then I feel like I owe them something or have to soft play in return. Anyway, glad you liked getting back in the action. As long as there’s enough dealers live poker seems to be doing pretty well right now

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Seems like a crystal clear fold on the flop. This is one of the worst hands you could even be c-betting on this board. If you don’t fold it to a raise OOP, what do you fold?


Ha yeah, this too

A couple of hands from tonight at the Peppermill Reno 0/5 game. I think they’re pretty standard but comments are welcome. Hand #2 looking back I could have played more aggressively I think.

Hand #1

I’m in middle position with 10 :clubs: 10 :hearts: and a $750 stack. Most at the table have me covered. UTG limps for $5. I raise to $30. 4 callers including the blind and the limper.

Flop ($150)
9 :diamonds: 8 :clubs: 4 :hearts:
Checked to me, I bet $65, not looking to get it in. Villain right behind me calls, others fold. Villain has shown a big bluff recently that he ran when he was defending his straddle.

Turn ($280)
6 :diamonds:
I bet $110, villain calls.

River ($500)
K :diamonds:
Check and then villain checks in a way that suggests he is giving up. I win with the 10’s

Hand #2

I am in middle position with A :clubs: Q :hearts: and a $1000 stack. Was planning to raise but UTG with $300 stack opened for $15, his standard size. Guy to my right calls and I call. One more caller and 4 to the flop (one of the regs calls this a “Peppermill heads-up”).

Flop ($65)
Q :clubs: 10 :spades: 8 :clubs:

Original raiser checks and guy to my right bets $35. I call and original raiser calls.

Turn ($170)
6 :clubs:

Check from OR then guy to my right bets $105. I call and other guy folds.

River ($380)
3 :clubs:

He bets $125 and I raise to $400. He folds quickly.

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Pretty much the standard lines for both hands.
Should definitely mix in some 3b pf on the AQ hand, but calling is fine obviously.

I fold under pairs and weak top and second pairs on the flop and give up if I don’t pick up a flush draw on the turn. If the raise was any bigger I would have folded, but decided to call and try to pick up a draw for $2 more. I’m looking to bluff more and felt obligated when I picked up the double gutter plus FD. My goal was to fold out TPTK type hands and get there when called. Worked out, but I was on the wrong side of RIO when I consider his range after he bets the turn.

I think it’s usually a bad idea to turn your good draws into big semibluffs like this. I used to punt off lots of money going for the ole C/R All In, praying to get top pair to fold, rarely works. I’d work on bluffs where you’ve got good blockers and bluffs where you get to the river at the very bottom of your range.

All pretty standard, but I’d size up my turn bet with 10 10

This might be something basic, but I’m not sure of the right play:

Online, 6-handed, anonymous tables, eff. stacks 120BB…UTG raises to 3BB, folds around to me in the BB with 7s6s.

Fold imo

like both of these