Poker Hands and Strategy

The two of you (Clovis and Caffeine) have made such god awful poker posts over the last couple weeks that you should really have some humility when talking to NBZ. Hand is standard

Lmao at posting a 10 25 cent hand and being super shocked that someone had top pair top kicker instead of a stronger hand. Lol at looking at a 1 psr plo hand and being shocked that the hands were aces, NFD, and top two


so why not contribute to the thread? you are clearly the best poker player here. would be nice to hear some hands or your analysis.

i agree nbz AK hand is standard and not interesting. what are your thoughts on his previous plo hand where he clicked back a minbet on the river and considered folding?


Lol this got flagged. Just the biggest lol ever.

buddy i’m having a laugh, and if you want to stake shame me uhhh… i got quite a few 25/50 NL hands in my history too. I play purely for fun these days, but probably got 500k+ hands at 5/10 plus under my belt from my time playing for a living.

that’s why it was me being so surprised, oh wait my entire commentary was:

“I laughed”

thanks fidget, and yes he’s obviously shitting my my microstakes tyvm.

Making fun of someone for playing microstakes is shitty regardless. Doing it to me doesn’t make sense. If whatevs wants to join in the discussion defending min raising rivers for 15 bucks into pot >600 or whatever he can go for it. Coming at my stakes like that is dumb.

What’s the correct river raise sizing to extract thin value from a non nut flush on a paired board?

You got a drunk moron to spazz, minraising is fine if you frame that as the idea.

I think people have this fundamentally mistake idea that everything has to be big bets and big pots in PLO.

Hands of the day:
CO Opens, I flat btn, blinds call.

Flop checks to me, I pot for ~$26, CO calls.
Turn, CO…leads $13, I call.
River they c, I lead 2/3 pot they shove.

Clearly trying to rep AAxx, but given their flop check and absurd small turn bet I dont believe it.

CO Opens, I 3b btn.
They c/c a PSB on the flop and turn, then fold the river for $36.

Make 6 buyins on the day in about two hours.

That’s primarily because people like myself have millions of hands of experience of people calling big bets with mediocre hands.

Like I get some days you don’t want to have every hand be 100bb+, but watch a movie on those days or something. If you want to make money, put money into the pot.


yeah, raising 15 into 740 and folding is clearly 4d poker. everyone here are just compensating for small dicks and fascist tendencies with their macho over-aggressiveness

Troll better.

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I’m not trolling. Feels more like you are.

The entire thread, save watevs, thinks you are.

Are you saying these hands are 100% good faith real hands and how you actually think about poker?

I can only imagine being a multiple bracelet winner who is only stopping around in here to dunk on recreational players

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So, I was thinking about writing a post about razz, even though many of you have probably never played a hand. And I get Dylan Linde’s book this week and crack it open today and he makes very much the same point about third street play I was going to make.

“You want to get it heads-up whenever you can but, when you cannot, there is no real reason to re-raise and bloat the pot. You are never gaining much equity.”

(As an aside, this is how I also think about preflop in PLO and O/8. In games where equities run close, raising on early streets when the pot looks to be multiway leads to jacking up your variance a ton without a similar increase in EV.)

Obviously, you still punish people with raises if they insist on sticking around with bad door cards, but it’s better to wait until fourth street before pushing what might be a small edge at best.

It’s not mentioned in Linde’s book, but one reason you shouldn’t re-raise too much on third is because razz fish peel too light on fourth when they brick in multi-way pots. Bloating the pot makes that sort of mistake less wrong. So the bad players make bigger mistakes on future streets if you are not as aggressive early on.

Wrong. How about try not being a thread captain and just speak for yourself?

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Lolololooolol. This is like your 4th ever post itt. Run along now!