Poker Hands and Strategy

Well yea I suppose so, but normally when someone cold shoves in that spot AK is flipping at best, calling off another 775 is not great

think you’re wrong tbh.

I’ve got in AQ for 200+ bb pf about 10 times irl and been wrong exactly once. (as in I was not just flipping, but had the dominant hand)

Fair enough, but your anecdotal evidence isn’t swaying me! most of the games I play calling off AKo there is incinerating money

Everyone who has said they didn’t look at their hand before making an aggressive move and who I was watching has been lying.

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If his range is entirely JJ+, AK, he only shoves those hands and never is lighter or slowplays AA, you have 39.8% and need about 42% to break even.

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I’d say it’s way, way more likely they’re telling the truth. Some people are lol obv lying, but I see people play hands blind all the time and state such.

People like to do stupid stuff. People are drunk or tilting at tables. You see way, way more punts than you’d expect.

It was one of those spots where I thought it had to be JJ+ Possibly QQ+ I’d been playing pretty tight and he was playing even tighter!

I guess sometimes you just have to bake in some lol live poker dumbassery, but I was literally shocked, given my read of the player

Gonna disagree here, I play with lots of scummy players where if they start blowing up a pot preflop where they claimed that they’re blind, that is a massive red flag

i mean i’m probably just calling before the conversation ever happens, but i do agree that the “i didnt look” is almost always a monster in my game

In my experience, of all the times someone has claimed to be blind in my games, they’re actually blind at least 90%. This will definitely depend on your player pool though, none of the games that I’ve played in regularly have had many anglers.


and you know who the anglers are too. It’s not subtle, ever.

Maybe Chicago games are scummier, but I think me and NBZ have seen this type of shit enough times in our games to not be very skeptical

Totally agree. Guys play blind all the time in my game. Legit blind.

Is this a punt?!

2/5 I make it 20 blind on the button, mid position Asian guy makes it 60, late position calls, I call.

Flop jc 9c 9d

Checked to me, I bet 125 with K 10o, late position calls.

Turn brick, I put him in for 450

Btn straddle?

Lol no

This was a total punt I’m not sure why I posted it heh

5/5 PLO.

Smart LAG raises to 15 over some limpers. Hero calls on the button with QQ42ss. A bunch of people call.

Flop is T42 with two diamonds. Villain pots it for 75. Hero calls. Everyone else folds. Hero has backdoor hearts plus Q :diamonds: blocker to the flush draw.

Turn is a black 4. Villain pots it to 225. Hero considers and calls.

River is 5 :diamonds: completing the flush. Villain bets 15. Hero min-raises to 30. Villain jams for about 730. Hero tanks and…?

Villain is rare for my game in being capable of turning a made hand into a bluff. He plays too many hands and bluffs too much but understands when he can put someone in a tough spot and can back off instead of running hopeless bluffs against someone who is obviously calling. He’s also had a few drinks, but he’s coherent and knows what he is doing. Villain also thinks I am tight enough to be capable of laying down a boat here. I’m not sure if he thinks I can min-raise the river without a boat.

That’s so Villain specific that there’s no way to know whether that is a good call or not, but if you’re gonna fold to his shove, then the cute minraise was a terrible idea.


WTF am I reading? You should have a clear plan with a little min raise, and if it’s folding, wtf?!