Poker Hands and Strategy

It doesn’t really matter. The Wynn is nice. Play there one day see if you like it. There’s no difference in like play level or anything. Maybe Aria would have more recs, but it’s not like youre trying to squeeze ev, youre a rec too


This one, I dunno. Is he the kind of guy who would think QJ is good here against 4 opponents and pop it up? Having the guy left behind you to act is pretty miserable, although there’s no draws really so you’re way ahead/way behind. I think ripping it is the worst option unless they’re somehow bad enough to call you with worse since it would pretty much look like you had 7x or QQ to anyone remotely paying attention.

Calling kind of sucks too, but I might be tempted to go down that road and evaluate on the turn assuming mid position doesn’t shove over the top when it gets back to him, then it’s a fold. Folding feels pretty nitty and I’d only do it if the UTG guy was a supernit but if he’s limp calling UTG he’s probably not.

I think the kk hand is a pretty straightforward fold multi-way. If it was hu or just one player putting in action it’s be different. Someone has a 7 in that hand multi-way

The KK hand I was new to the table, my read of the original bettor was off, I didn’t know he was a total drooler, so UTG was compensating for that. I nitfolded the flop to fish on fish violence. UTG shipped turn, his QJ held up against Q rag, aghgvhgh

AsJs I think I’m getting straights and 9’s to fold, it helps that it was a younger kid, the money is probably meaningful to him, he was talking about running bad recently, etc. I don’t think he’d trap here with a boat and risk getting checked back with 1 to a straight out there.

He tanked forever and folded 8 10 suited, woop woop

As for poker in Vegas, the Wynn is my favorite room, definitely play there some time!


meh I think you’re behind the range overall and I feel good about the table that you’re at with that hand. it’d be a tough call to make even if that hand had already happened.

Yeaaah, although I still think I like to call and see what happens on the turn. If UTG is reasonable he might be going into c/f mode once he gets cold called by the original raiser (me).

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Ok, another double board PLO bomb pot, I’m still not good at these.

90 in the pot

I’m EP with A667

We get AAQ rainbow
AQ2 rainbow

I bet 70, 2 callers

Turn A A Q 2 backdoor flush now possible
A Q 2 10, backdoor flush now possible

I bet 300, (a bad bet?) one call, the button min raises to 600

I have to think I’m good on the top board, I’m sure he’s got KJ on the other board, my plan is to rip it if the board pairs the A Q 2 10 board and the backdoor flush doesn’t hit my board.

I call, other guy folds and exposes a Q.

River makes it A A Q 2 4 (wheel gets there) and A Q 2 10 9 no flushes. He bets 600, very glad he didn’t pot it, I call. I chop with KJ of course. He did have backdoor flush outs on my board. Is there a better way to play this hand??

I’d check in EP (and check a lot of hands in that position) but I’m clueless. It’s a hard board to get called in multiple positions (which is what you want when you aren’t scooping, which is the case here).

Hmm gonna disagree on the flop bet, I’m blocking so many hands (and the board is) I think that it just gets checked around on the flop wayyy too often. I want to build a pot here even if I can’t scoop. Lots of people play incredibly awful in these bomb pots that you gotta let them put in as much money as possible drawing to only half the pot

But you are drawing dead on the 2nd board and they are drawing live in the first one, so why bet the turn? Arent you doing the thing you said not to?

Std disclaimer i dont know anything about dbl board plo bomb pot

Ha yup, pretty much. On the turn I was thinking I could fire 3 barrels and fold out KJ, but yeahhh, no. For some dumb reason I thought, given the other board, that KJ wouldn’t be raising.

So turn was pretty bad, I’m check calling next time

These spots are still pretty new to me, but yeah I’m definitely over valuing non-nut hands. And I do think like a NL player in spots where there is only 1 combo, like having quads or a set on both boards, that it just never happens. When obv it does happen sometimes.

The other guy didn’t mean to expose the Q, he did one of those super high mucks and the Q and a 10 bounced up.

But thanks for the response, ill try and do a better job of waiting till I have the nuts on the river to start shoveling in the chips, heh.

In spots where I have basically a lock on one board and there isn’t much out there, I like to minibet 1/4-1/3 pot and start building a pot to scoop with a bet later or quarter people. It’s a little more complicated in this situation because you don’t actually have the lock but you do guarantee that nobody has near the nuts. I think you played it fine and the KJ guy is begging to get himself in trouble with that minraise even though it worked out well against your actual hands.

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Lol, this Israeli doofus in my game. He opens to 5xbb and both blinds call. Flop is Q99. Checked around. Turn is another 9. Checked around. River is an ace. He checks behind and shows AQ, then talks about being worried someone had quads.

Racist imo

$15 PLO Bomb Pot.

HJ (covers) is a 40s Asian guy who talks a lot, 3bets small preflop a ton and does some weird shit that usually involves putting lots of money in the pot, but he also chills and plays reasonably for long stretches of time, particularly if he’s been winning lately.

BTN(3k) is a bit passive but has generally reasonable hand selection.

There’s a couple short stacks that I really don’t remember anything about.

I’m in CO with A984 and 2k

9 Players
Flop 88d6d
Flop 4J5r (Pot 135)

Short stack EP bets 75, MP, HJ, Me, BTN all call.

Turn 88d6d4d
Turn 4J59r (Pot 520)

EP shoves 250, MP calls for 200, HJ calls, I call, BTN calls

River 88d6d4dQ
River 4J593r (Pot 1570)

HJ pots 1570, I tankfold, BTN folds

HJ has 677x, BTN folded A98T, Short stacks have flushes. If I played the hand now I would call, having seen him go fucking HAM with nut straight/nothing in multiway pots a couple times, but at the time I didn’t have as strong a read on his play. It also makes no fucking sense here since he’s bluffing a dry side pot and would do better to try and get value, but that is definitely something that this guy doesn’t think about. Probably should have raised the turn.

Folding seems fine with a player behind you. I probably call if i’m last to act.

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This was definitely a factor. Pretty sure I’m only losing to Q8 from him but that is absolutely a possibility.

Is there rakeback at ACR? Deposit bonuses?

Well as discussed earlier, I’m a bomb pot fish, but I’m jacking that turn lol