Poker Hands and Strategy

It’s not as if they just check-fold bottom set in my games but there are a lot of limped pots and they will typically check-call non nut sets and check fold to a bet and a raise, so blasting it with the nuts is often not the most profitable strategy.

It is true that solvers sometimes spit out solutions that are more passive than intuition would suggest.

It’s also true that more commonly they give a more aggressive line than one would expect. Defending your overall passive play by appealing to a solver in a narrow spot isn’t reasonable when you are likely taking passive lines far more frequently in non solver-approved situations.

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Ok. But this just means the real error was the $500 flop bet no?

Global has about 20 tables of PLO from .05/.10 to 2.5/5. All 6-max.

I’d probably rather call at this stack size in position and jam on safe turns, especially if the other board is a club.

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A couple hands from playing live no limit at Peppermill Reno this past weekend. I’m not a great live player and play on the nitty side.

Hand #1

First hand when I sat down at 0/2. I limped in early position with A :diamonds: 10 :clubs:. 6 to the flop which had two diamonds, something like 4 :diamonds: 9 :diamonds: 2 :spades:. Checked around, turn is Q :diamonds:. Checked around again, river is 5 :diamonds:. I bet 5, guy right behind me raises to 15, everyone else folds. He has about 150 left and I cover. What size raise would you make? Also when would you have started betting, I probably should have at least bet the turn.

I raised to 65, he called after 2 seconds with the king.

Hand #2

Playing 0/5, nine handed. Villain is 55-60 yo man, I haven’t really noticed his play much but he hasn’t been super aggressive. I’ve been there for an hour or so and have won a few hands, none went to showdown. I have 550 and he has me slightly covered. There is no buy-in limit and some people at the table have $2000 or more.

UTG raises to $15, villain (UTG+1) raises to 60. I call after 15 seconds with two queens in position 4. Heads up to the flop which is 4 8 9 (can’t remember suits but it was either rainbow or two of one suit). He bets $130, what is our play?

I tank folded and he showed JJ

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At a soft, loose table I’m okay with opening A10o for a raise UTG. But given the limp I think you played it just fine.

Second hand there’s no way I’m folding flop, I’d call and re-evaluate turn. But against an older guy who I don’t think is bluffy, I might fold QQ to a turn shove



In my preflop range, ATo is a fold until the HJ position, where it should be raised. I would probably bet the turn because there’s little money in the pot, and no one’s interested. I would have raised smaller on the river, to try and get a crying call from the K or J.

I would call with the QQ hand. He has a lot of AK, which you don’t block, and which UTG probably didn’t fold.

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pf is a leak in hand 1 in most games, but it’s probably not a big deal. I think your play is fine multiway, the result certainly justifies the limp. It’s either that or shove. I think I like your line better.

For hand 2 it seems like you made it a raise or fold scenario in your head, and it’s not. You can definitely call there in position and take a card. Going broke and being wrong there is never a big mistake at that kind of level with little information btw.

In live low stakes no limit, sometimes you have games where there is a lot of preflop limping and you’re better off limping along and outplaying them post-flop rather than trying to punish the limpers. ATo is a hand that you can limp with from any position in these games, but you should know when to fold top pair in a multi-way pot.

Thanks guys, that is helpful. CN is correct that I was seeing it as fold or raise (or rather fold or commit to the hand), it’s good to know it would be ok to call and reevaluate.

The same player made a play a little later where he overvalued a medium strength hand and it supports what you guys are saying, that his range was wider than I thought and included other hands like AK.

Ks Kd raise to 25 in Utg+1 (2/5nl) get 5 callers

Flop Q 7 7 rainbow, I check it

Mid position bets lol $30, the UTG limp caller weak player makes it $100 with $225 behind. Hero?!

Why aren’t we betting 55 on the flop? Also your hh makes it seem like you checked turn too.

Huh? I haven’t posted anything on the turn? I bet flop about 80% of the time here.

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Sorry I’m tired and dumb. I pitch it.

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One more, As Js, super deep 2/5, straddle to 25, I make it 80 in late position, 2 calls.

Flop Jd 9s 9c, I bet 120 and get check raised to 420 from a young kid in the BB. I call. Turn Qs.

He bets 700, I call.

River. Kh

He checks. I kinda have to rip it here right? I take a stack of black and slide it in, $2000

What hands are you trying to get to fold?

It appears this is basically “I’ve arrived at the river in a big pot with the bottom of my range and they have few nutted hands, so gl”

I don’t think you’re going to get here with much worse so if you think he can fold 9x and possibly a straight, let it rip. You do block JJ and J9 which is nice as well.

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I have November 11th - 14th to myself between my last day and my current job and my first day at the new spot. Contemplating jumping on a plane to Vegas for 2-3 tournaments. There isn’t really any enticing WSOP events but a few other series that seem fun. Any opinions or suggestions?

Wynn Classic - $550 $100k is everyday during this time.

Venetian Deepstack - 1 $1,100 150k (1 day 11/13)

Aria Autumn - $400 40k everyday. $1,100 HORSE but I would be an absolute fish.

The Wynn seems like the best bang for my buck and I’ve never played there.