Poker Hands and Strategy

That’s an all in on the flop, I was the one who reraised pre, I flop that, money goes flying in, runner runner boat wins. Sorry I didn’t show stack sizes, it was a 3k+ plus pot. The guy with KK of course has me covered so no side pot for me vs 22

I have had literally the grossest run in Vegas I want to puke

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Sorry for the rants, I’m just losing my mind here


First WPT trip for me was similar, but I was able to grind it back.

Was down like $6k first two days, worst being losing K678hhdd on K89hh to KJJ5 baduigi for $5k.

Keep your head up

I’ve been really good about staying optimistic despite being shit on every day for the last week, today finally broke me I think

I suppose I should post an actual hand here instead of just whining. Venetian 5/10. Hero has 3k, villain 2k. Young Asian guy, haven’t seen him get out of line. Table is pretty juicy. Shorter stack raises to 40 in EP, Hero calls 40 w/ KsJs in mid position, villain pops it to 140 on the button. EP calls, hero calls, 3 to the flop. 10s 7s 7d. Checks around.
Turn: 9s Hero bets 260, villain calls.
River: 8h Hero bets 650, villain thinks a bit and ships. 1,000 more to call. I’ve already put in 1,000 out of Villain’s 2,000 stack. Hero?

I’m not a fan of the river bet when you’re holding the k-high flush on a paired board, unless the plan is to bet small enough so it’s OK to fold to a raise.

Consequently, I like bet-fold or check-[decide] much better than bet-call.

If he’s not getting ool he’s got AsQs, TT and maybe 99/88/77 for combos that beat you. But still, what bluffs does he have here? I guess he could have AsAx/AsKx/AsQx maybe but that seems optimistic. And is he jamming QJs for value here? I probably just fold here (in theory anyway, in reality I just call and lose).

I mean checking river feels so weak, no? We’re just gonna let a possible straight or weird lower flush off the hook?

I do regret the sizing though, it was a bit too big I think

Yea there weren’t too many bluff combos I could come up with, but I did question my read because it had only been 2 hours, like is it possible he could jam with a lower flush thinking I had a straight?! Against a few other people at the table I’d snap call in that spot

Anyway I folded, he didn’t show

I mean, it’s possible but how many lower flushes does he even have there with the K, J, T, 9 and 7 all out of the deck? Is he popping 65s and 54s there? I dunno, I think you made a good fold, and I agree that maybe your sizing was a bit too big on the river but I think you played it fine for the most part.

How bout this one: Venetian 5/10, 2k effective stacks. I button straddle, get 2 5 offsuit. A bunch of limpers, I check back the straddle. 6 to the flop. Flop 10c 9c 2s. Checks around. Turn: 5s, checked to me, I bet 80, the SB (middle aged Asian guy, he seems decent and aggressive) pops it to 330.

This is the second hand we’ve played, I double barreled on a 4 6 9 Q board with KJ, was hoping to fire a 3rd, but river was a Q so I check folded, he showed 78s. I feel like he’s definitely capable of making a play, I was also kinda surprised to see him blowing up a limped pot.

Anyway I call the 330. River is Ks, he bets 700. Hero?

Maybe the players i play with aren’t as capable but i fold turn everytime and don’t think twice about it. I guess this is bad advice for 5/10

On the river most of the hands you called with are suppose to get there, so a bluff would be pretty bad. But that doesn’t mean much either

I’m repping really weak here, like mostly just some sort of 9x, so seems like a decent spot for a more aggro player to push me off a hand, which 5/10 players will certainly do

I will say I basically never have JQ here and I think villain knows that. I definitely have lots of spades in my range though

I agree except i don’t know how many actually do in a multiway limped pot. I have no way to prove it but i would guess that their range is skewed way too much towards value and massive combo draws (that should hit that river)

My read was to discount JcQc and JsQs because I think he tries to raise JQs pre quite often and pick up the pot from the limpers. JQo is a bit more likely I think. But yeah, I was putting him on some sort of combo club draw or spade draw

I decided to start playing a little poker again after basically not playing for several years. I could use some advice because I feel real rusty and unsure of what to do in some marginal situations that I probably should know how to play. Was playing 2-5, 9 handed. I start the hand in the SB with about $450 get dealt black AKo. I’ve been playing an hour and my image is probably on the weak right side since I’ve bet-folded in 3 pots where i got squeezed. UTG+1 limps (he’s terrible, loose has rebought several times since I sat down and is basically the guy that’s feeding the action), hikjack limps, button makes it $30 (he’s been running over the table on a heater, other than being too loose preflop, he seems to be smart and aggressive post flop, mixing up his play between fast and slow, two of my three bet-folds have been against him when he check-squeezed top two with the utg+1 fish in the pot). Button has me covered, I make it 90. He calls and it’s heads up to the flop (this is the first three-bet I’ve made at the table). Flop comes JT5ddh. This is where I feel completely uncomfortable and completely lost. I bet $115, he thinks for a minute and makes it 310. I fold, obviously. My thinking was that he’s an observant player, I haven’t really shown myself to be crazy preflop so he’s skewing my range toward QQ+, so I didn’t think he would be making that bet with total air or 1pair type hands. So he either has strong draws or has me crushed with a set, two pair, maybe AJ or like QQ KK type hands since he’s kind of trappy, and I have a tight image. Afterwards I felt like check/call was a better play. Any thoughts welcome. Especially interested in whether my line should change if I have the A or K of diamonds.

Been a little bit since I’ve played HE, but I think you should raise it up bigger pre to start. Just 3x’ing when you’re oop gives them too good of a price, I usually went to 4x, maybe a couple bbs more with the limpers in there. Flop, you both have JJ and TT, only he has 55 and you both have JTs so not a big polarity advantage one way or the other. You’ll have all of the overpairs that he likely won’t, but he’ll catch a piece of this board a fair amount.

I’m guessing in solver land you’re supposed to check this board a fair amount and a check might be good here, but it depends on reads. If you bet you obviously have to b/f vs a raise with this combo but if he floats you it gets dicey on a bunch of turns since you have < a psb left. If you check then I think you probably have to at least peel once against a smaller probe and either hope to improve or hope he shuts down on turn and river which doesn’t seem great. You could also x/shove over him to try to get him off of some middling hand like QJ/QT/T9 if he bets those but I think your hand is probably too good for that.

Tl;dr: raise bigger pre, probably go for x/c on the flop and evaluate from there, but bet/folding flop like you did is probably fine too.


Definitely make it bigger pre. But you’ve got kind of an awkward stack size for AK. I know this might be heresy, but I flat here quite a bit with that kind of stack size. I want over 100bb to set up a big 3bet, flop bet, turn jam (or river jam). Or If you have less than $400 I want the sizing to be a big 3bet and flop jam, but you’re in the weird in between. Flatting also keeps the fish in and in live poker 2/5 and lower everyone just auto puts you on AK when you reraise and it lets them play perfectly against you when you do have it lol.


As to the 25o hand I posted earlier I did end up calling and he showed Qc 8c. Weird hand.

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Good rule of thumb for 3 bet sizing when a few people have limped is 3x plus the total in the pot. At a lower limit maybe even a bit bigger than that. Your 3 bet should be in the $105 $110 range imo but your total stack is awkward as noted above.

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