Poker Hands and Strategy

Sounds like you don’t have much of a read at all. It’s a snap call down then. Shouldn’t be laying down the top of your range to half pot bets from basically unknowns.

Well I’d seen him play for a few hours, never putting any money in the pot, check folding, watching a movie on his phone, and then he suddenly decides to check raise a super dry board when my range is really strong? I mean it’s certainly some sort of read.

What differentiates his play from a tight player who’s been card-dead and missing flops when he does play a hand?

It’s some sort of a read but a few hours is still less than 100 hands generally. Easy to just not flop anything over a sample like that. You should adjust based on what limited info you have, but you simply don’t have enough to entirely rule out worse hands, which is what you would need to do to justify folding when he only has four reasonable combos that beat you.

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What if you’ve seen him play a hand where he limp-called pre with QQ and check-called flop and turn with an overpair?

Well yes that would change the read. My read is he’s a nitty wuss who would be scared to go to a flop 4 ways oop with a big pair so QQ and especially KK are discounted.

Eh maybe you guys are right. Turn was annoying as it took away some of his 66’s. I obviously paid off his boat, 33.

But there are some players out there that this is like 66 or 33 every time, after another few hours at this table, I think he’s one of them.

It would lean on the fold side of the scale since it means he will take this line pre with JJ way more often and lessens the likelihood of him value raising worse. But it’s too outlandish of a hypothetical to be worth spending a lot of thought on. It would be very on-the-nose if you witnessed such a nonstandard line just before this hand, where that line happens to be super relevant.

Please be kidding. Please.


It can’t be both, because max action would decrease rake. The rake is capped, so they’d rather players not lose everything to each other in one hand.

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Had this beauty of a hand yesterday. I guess it’s not that rare, but I can’t remember a time that happened to me -

I was all in with KQ for ~300 on Q725ddxx board, got called in two places. River 9. Player A bets 500 into a dry side pot. Player B tanks for over 5 minutes. Someone calls the clock. He is counted down to 0, he turns over AQ as his hand declared dead.

I triple up. I run so good I win hands drawing dead on the river while all-in.


oh man you won because of a dry side pot bluff fuckin a

I was once stuck a bunch and got even by someone stone bluffing 500 into a 5k pot with a dry side, followed by a tank-fold-show hand that beat me.

Bro got a bottle of wine for that one.

Played another big hand with Mr Nit tonight, I raise to 25 w/ 45cc, multi-way flop: 2c 5d Jc, I bet 50, he raises to 125. Omfg, am I dead if I hit a 4 or 5?? I call, Turn 3, he bets 325, Normally i might be shipping here, but he’s probably somehow got a set, I call. River brick, he ships, I tell him I’m folding aces this time around, fold, he shows JJ.

Last night was a fold on the flop. Definitely.

I never know if is should value bet more in plo.

Effective stacks of 2k.

Raised preflop to $50. 5 callers. I have jj97ds with j7 spades. I am on button.

Flop q108all spades.

Checked to me. I check.

Turn Ks

Checked to me. This is SUPER rare in this game. I check again. (I should have bet here I think).

River 3x. Checked to me again!

Any reason to value bet here? I end up checking cause I can’t find a hand I get called by and a couple players are for sure good enough to repot bluff.

You’re allowed to bet small on the turn and/or river and get looked up by smaller flushes. Sometimes, you get called by a set or straight on the river, too. I would sometimes throw in a $10 bet in a spot like this because it might get a curious call and $10>0.

Do people normally check an ace-high flush on three streets? No one should have a better hand here.

Just had a hilarious hand. Limp, limp, player pots it to 30, three callers. Then, he says what the fuck and exposes his hand: KKKK. Apparently, he raised after only looking at two cards. Flop is T54 with two spades. The boring part is I take it down OTB betting 100 with my top two plus nut flush draw.

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Lost my biggest pot ever last night getting $4K all in on the flop of 925 two clubs against villain with 22 and other villain with nut flush draw and me with 99. First villain, with bottom set, made a small runner runner flush to scoop almost $11k.

Still somehow ended up making a small amount in the game.

This plo game is so good I hope it never goes away!

Did I mention this is lol 2/5!! Just a casual 2200 bb pot. :grin:


Also gonna post some running bad from this afternoon, at Venetian 3/5 NL. I’ve got 2300. 3 way flop. I’ve got 99. Flop 678, I bet 60, old man calls, aggro fish bumps it to 300. I call, old man calls. Turn 5 (completes rainbow) aggro fish open jams 1700 or something, I go all in as well. Old man starts angrily mumbling in Russian, pounds the table and he calls. He covers me. Aggro Fish tables 79, I show my straight too, old man won’t show. river 8, old man jumps out of chair, obv hits the boat, tables 77 for the almost 7k pot. Sigh. And the old guy played so nitty the whole time, then when he knows his hand is never good he calls off 400bb! Ridiculous.

Aggro fish’s last orbit, he covers table now, 5k or 6k stack. everyone is gunning for him, his rungood has made him even more crazy. I’m second biggest stack with 2,500. I make it 50 with 10sQs, 2 callers, Aggro fish makes it 230, I call, others call, 4 to the flop. Flop 10c 9c 10d. He open ships his stack. Hallelujah! Finally. Then the guy behind me calls off his 1200 stack. Hmm. Button last to act, thinking thinking, finally calls for 1700, What the fuck. We all show, Aggro has 4c 5c. Behind me has JcKc. Button has 10 J. My hand is actually still good! Turn 6h, river 3c. Fuuuuugh. JcKc quadruples up and Aggro fish makes money on from the side pots. 8k pot or so in total.

Vegas just destroys me