Poker Hands and Strategy

went check check, river was a gnarly 9 and check check again. He had AQdd. BB had A4cc and shortstack had A9o so I finished a respectable 4th place in the hand.

Seemed pretty ugly but maybe i had no other choices really

Yea playing a bloated pot oop w/ bottom 2 on that board is kinda awkward, but fortunately most people never bluff w/ the sidepot so usually the decisions are pretty straightforward

I guess if button is bad you can bet 300-400 on the turn and check fold a scary river if you don’t think he’s the bluffing type. But there’s so many terrible rivers!

I got to shove 1200 into a 30 dollar pot now

1-3 numerous people limp i check bb k3ss
Flop AsQsTx checked around
Turn Jx checked to btn who bets 15
I jam 1200 eff

Got insta called and didnt hit my freeroll but i invested my sklansky bucks in wnba packs


I love this play. I do it whenever I can and people won’t fold for any amount. They never think of being free rolled.

grunching. Tighten up from your normal raising range, raise with hands that block the limp/reraise ranges, but limp behind with hands that might be in your raising range first in, but can flop well such as Axs, suited connectors and low/middle pocket pairs. To be specific, I probably limp with A2s-A4s, A6s-A9s, 22-TT, 45s-JTs, raise with AT+, KJ+, A5s, ATs+, and on the fence with QJo, possibly fold. Folding KTo, JTo. I might limp with J9s-86s as well, to stack someone with a set on a wet board. I raise to 25 if raising.

Bovada Milly probably gonna overlay if you want some +ev gamble gamble 16bb poker

Just played a really weird hand on Ignition Zone (Anonymous) 25NL, 6-Max.

UTG ($26) limps…folds to me in the CO and I raise with As7s (I cover)…folds back to UTG who calls.

$1.85…2s Qd 4c…check, I bet $1.32, UTG calls.
$4.49…2s Qd 4c 4s…check, I check behind with the flush draw.
$4.49…2s Qd 4c 4s Ks…UTG instapushes for $24.


I feel like it’s usually a boat or quads here, I don’t think people ever do this light. It’s possible it’s like AA but doubt it

I actually timed out and was folded before I could act. If he had made a reasonable pot-size bet I would probably have called. As I think about it, the only hands that beat me that make any sense are the slow-played 22 and the one pair of 44.

In my experience on bovada at lower levels this is always a big hand

That must not have been you who open raised to $0.75 on a $5 Zoom table, reraised my $1.92 to $3.49 and called my jam to $10 with J5o versus AQ and magically flop a 5 while I fail to improve. Fuck this bullshit. I print equity onthis site and get my fucking head beat in. Every goddamn time I have my opponent crushed preflop I lose. It can’t be legit.

Lol no, unlucky

No. It’s the same shit over and over. Nobody plays J5o and 95o for all the marbles like that. I’m used to seeing this shit when I have AA and I know with 100% certainty that I won’t win the hand and I’m never wrong. I played for years on UB pre BF and had no complaints about bullshit runouts like these. There are a couple of YT videos that show the same pattern I see where no matter how big a preflop favorite you are you will always lose to some bullshit hand like AQ versus Q6. In that case I usually flop a Q and a 6 hits the turn. It’s 100% scripted.

People aren’t cheating you at NL5. If you have enough hands on these players you’ll learn that they are just gigantic losers.

that’s exactly what a NL5 cheater would say


I had someone shove 23o on a QJ82J board into my J2 for 44 dollars into a 4 dollar pot on the river today. Almost folded tbh

I’m complaining bitterly as a slight winner and I’m not accusing the players of cheating. The cards are scripted af for action and max rakeage. The site is dirty and very poorly run.

At what point do you fold aces to a weak tight nit on a super dry board? Flop? Turn? River? It’s a Button straddle to 10, weak tight nit limps, I make it 50 with AA, button calls, BB calls, WTN calls. Flop is J 6 3 r. I bet 100. WTN min raises to 200. I call. Turn 6, WTN bets 300. I call. River 8, WTN bets 500. Hero? I hate hands like this.

I have reg opponents who I have known long enough to easily insta-fold to the flop raise. Other players, I might stay in because they could have KK/QQ. It’s very read-dependent.

Yea I’d never played with the guy before but he just sits on his phone and hardly plays and it was definitely the first time I’d seen him check raise or show any type of aggression