Poker Hands and Strategy

Quick question for Omaha players.

Low stakes online: I open 3bb with 3557ds on the CO, probable reg 3bets BTN to 10bb, folds to me, I… call? Stacks are like 160bb. Does the answer change if they’re 100bb? What about if the 3 is a 4?

100 bb deep you can call a single 3bet with any double suited hand, but don’t feel obligated to continue on flops with just a naked flush draw (vs tight players).

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I do not love the open, nor calling with that hand.

In low stakes at least ppl are cbetting terribly. The textures they lead vs cr and their sizing are all garbage so it gives you extra equity, but it’d just a bad hand that plays badly HU.

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My understanding of what the solver guys say is that hands containing 3s and 4s are bad and that low card hands are worse in high-rake environments like microstakes. So, it’s probably a fold, but possibly playable against bad players, but more of the passive fit-or-fold types than bad aggro players.

I hate folding heads up preflop, so I would call the 3bet.

I usually fold it live, but might play it in late position in a limped pot. It’s the kind of hand I might open-limp OTB in a short-handed game.

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Yea just setup an account, create unstuck poker club and give people the club ID and then you have to approve them to join. Seems like you can customize a tourney quite easily just from looking earlier for a few mins

Sounds like you’re saying this is a bad call IP? But I’m oop (me CO, villain BTN), so must be quite a bad call then. My thinking was that I didn’t really have any overlap with his preflop range, so if I make a straight draw, I can just push it aggressively without worrying about being dominated.

First time playing plo live in ages. Lost 1500 in 3 buyins within 45 minutes. Fun times


Thoughts on this flop bluff ?

Hero akq5 oop to villain. Effective stacks $1,000.

Villian has potted it $35 preflop. 4 to flop.

Flop 1052r

Checked to villian who bets $100.

Folded to hero who cr to $275. I know 90%+ villian has aces.

Villain thinks for a couple minutes and calls.

Turn j to make spade draw on board.

Hero shoves for $600.

Villain thinks again and calls with aces and spade draw.

Fold pre

Are you me?

Did the same at 2/2 (5) lol

I kept getting aces and limp RRing half my stack pre and busting on dry flops, multi-way tho. Shrug.


I’m a PLO fish, is this a usual bluffing spot? Seems dicey! How sticky is the opponent? I’d at least want a 10 in my hand. If you had NBZ’s image it would have got through on the flop though :p

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It’s not a usual bluffing spot which is why I’m curious. Villain is an nbk nit. I have a pair so for sure 8 outs to best hand.

I’m wondering if my check raise sizing is too small although it’s the size I’d use with a set.

Folding pre here is insanely lol bad in this game. It’s lighting money on fire.

Also I don’t see how having a 10 here is any different than having a 5.

I got it in with AJhh85dd on 842hhd vs A235
Followed by J9dd73cc on T85ddc vs 56ddA2cc on the very next hand

Followed by KKJTds aipf

Followed by getting up and wasting 6 hours of grinding a nitty 1-3 table to no success.

Quality all nighter

Ahh I missed the mid pair! I’ll wait for a PLO player to chime in, heh

NB would have folded all those pre. :grin:

Ooof, going from PLO to NL is torture

Nbz would have 1500 dollars more than me

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The serious answer is that I would prefer floating the flop and bluffing turn or river to check raising the flop against most players if I don’t fold.

First hand is reasonable. Second hand might be spewy depending on how the betting went, since you can b dominated by a better draw. If you called a bet on the river, I know a lot of bad players seem to never be bluffing when they rep a backdoor flush. Third hand, most players play double suited kings too aggressively pre.