Poker Hands and Strategy

What’s your go to play in Omaha on a QQ5r board holding Qxxx where all three kickers are bigger than a 5?

Generally happy to get it all in?

← Omaha noob, but I don’t see how there can be a simple rule that generally works here. What is SPR? How many players otf? Do you have an Ace? Etc. If you get raised multiway on this flop and you have QT87, then you have in the mid to high 30s of equity and should be looking for the exit.

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Preflop is whatever. I’m not really getting anyone to fold and no one is 3betting without a good AAxx. I don’t play PLO as some display of toxic masculinity where it’s all about setting up big bets for a dick-measuring contest. My style seems to fucking annoying for people who want to play that way.

No matter what preflop size I use, I’m betting 1/2 to 2/3 pot on that board with my entire betting range to protect the times I take a stab with less than two pair.

Depends on the opponent and stack size, but I’m usually not getting it in without an ace and even then not always.

By getting it in, you also forfeit your ability to bluff someone off trips with a better kicker when you can represent a boat.

You have the btn and a really good hand and no one is folding. These are all reasons to bet the maximum.

I’m fine with my entire betting range being goodstuff in 6way PLO pots, this isn’t the kind of spot where being imbalanced is going to hurt you in the games that I play in.

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Yeah, we don’t have to be balanced in 6 way low stakes PLO live.
Our sizing should change slightly on different textures but 6 way there’s just no reason to ever bet half pot otb.

I don’t know WTF this is, A4cc or 64cc or something? but thanks for saving me from jamming river with 7 high.

Bovada Milly going on btw.

I’ve decided PLO is mainly a postflop game and preflop doesn’t really matter except for setting up bet sizes on future streets unless you can squeeze and get dead money into the pot. I raise bigger in HJ or CO when I am trying to buy the button postflop.

It’s an acknowledged flaw that I have an inherent tendency to mix up my play unnecessarily when that isn’t maximally exploitative. I had an instinctive desire to be balanced even before I read about poker game theory.

Nbz is just trolling with his post itt. It’s the only explanation.

Kinda feels like you’re trying to troll me with this post.

I’m just ribbing you a bit because I’m amazed that you always argue for the most nit line imaginable. :grinning:

Especially in PLO when you’ve been in a ton of pots for hours vs the fish but can’t seem to connect on a flop, then the biggest nitreg at your stakes sits and in his first orbit gets dealt 2 perfect coolers to take down the fish.

(Oops, I guess Yuv basically said the same thing a couple posts after yours)

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Some players in my game wouldn’t even raise pre.

It sounds like you play in the single worst Holdem game in America.

The games with the biggest average pot size aren’t necessarily the best games.

Well, at least other players in your games also hate money.


NBZ does provide a valuable service in reassuring me that, despite what other people say, I am not actually the biggest nit in the universe.


lol it’s like your trying to write anti-wisdom.

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Does my hand function better as a bluff or bluff-catcher in this spot?

Villain is a loose and occasionally LAGgy Euro (Italian).


UTG limps, next player pots it to 25. I call with AKQTds because I would rather play a multi-way pot and people respect my 3bets. Six players to a flop.

J86 with hearts. I have a gutshot and the nutflush draw, plus I hit my pivot card to give me beaucoup backdoor possibilities. I bet 100 into 150 and get two callers.

Turn is an offsuit ace, giving me TPTK and a wrap to go with my nut flush draw. I bet 320 into 450 and get tank-called by villain OTB. Other player folds. We have about 1000 effective behind.

River pairs the board with an 8, which sucks. I was betting almost any other card. I might have checked an ace, or at least that was my plan on the turn.

My read on the villain is that he is never folding a boat, even a bad one. Any other brick and I would be jamming to bluff out his weak two pair holdings. Those have either become full houses or counterfeited, so I am no longer bluffing those hands and he’s never calling with a worse hand. The only hands I am bluffing are AJ, missed draws that made trip eights, and chops.

On the other hand, if I check, I think he bets with a polarized range of boats and bluffs. I don’t think he bets in-between hands with showdown value. I block the most obvious draw of the nut flush draw, but that would have made top pair anyways, and he’s not turning that hand into a bluff, or at least I think not. I have the T :hearts: so I don’t block him having the king- or queen-high flush draws. Against a tighter player who might fold 66 or 86 and maybe even J8 to a big river bet after calling the flop and turn (probably with some sort of draw), I would probably just shove, but this player isn’t folding those.

I chose to check and trust my ability to figure out if he was bluffing.