Poker Hands and Strategy

Sites don’t need to rig the RNG to “get action.” What they instead did was funnel everyone into zoom and spins.

Put people into games where a crusher winrate is 5bb/100 and 3bb/100 or 3% ROI is great and you’re laughing.

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i’m sure it could happen, either as an ‘inside job’ or by hackers, in the many unregulated apps people are using. if they are anywhere close to being smart we would never know about it either.

i have been cheated in a live game with marked decks before (not in a casino though).

that being said, it won’t be the 95o pf shove that gets you.

Cigital cracks the Planet Poker RNG

The online poker community has continued to be strong, with tens of thousands of players playing online poker at any time day or night, but a number of scandals and scams have shaped online poker history over the years.

In 1999 a company named Cigital cracked the supposedly random number generator used by Planet Poker as the root of the RNG was based simply on the current time. This was announced and the poker room corrected the problem.

It’s believed that no one used this flaw to win money, but it came as a jolt to the industry and introduced the concept in many players’ minds that they could be cheated. Sadly, this fear was reinforced years later with a couple of higher-profile cases of cheating.

to be fair Planet Poker RNG was Dutch Boyd thinking of a number between 1 and 10.
It was always 7.


It’s just because you see more hands which means you see more bad beats.

Pitbull Poker shut down after a 2p2 thread fished out their antics with superusers.

PLO Gurus! Am I bad for getting this in preflop? I 3b - villain 4b all in. I call.

Probably? I don’t like 3betting with hands that hate getting 4bet.

How did the betting go? UTG raise, CO calls, SB calls, BB 3bet, UTG calls, CO folds, SB 4bet jams, BB calls, UTG folds?

Yes. Exactly that. Probably a fish 4 bet. Trying to learn by fire.

Basically it depends. You’ll develop a feel if you play enough on the ppl who only 3 and 4b AAxx. I have got in KKxxs or dbl suited plenty of times and been well ahead, plenty of times crushed.

Just play the BB for a flat more often than a raise though.

Like this was a 4 way all in pre a few days ago where mucking 4b and it was all in preflop.

I probably have 10 similar hands from this week at 1/2, in the “toughest” pool online.

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Makes sense. Appreciate it!

if villian only 4b AA not so good if any sort of range other than that very good basically

Anyway, I’ve been learning tournaments this month since that’s where I think the most fish are by far these days. Sigh at all the run good for a month being the lowest $ tourn I bother to load up for but I won one on ignition/bodog/bovada tonight, first win in a tourn field of over like 100 in forever so let’s go confidence booster I guess. These things are annoying as hell though.

You’re obviously right more fish play tournaments, but for most competent players idk if that translates to a higher expectation or hourly than cg.

You get basically 0 RB as well.

Hand from a short session yesterday.

I open TT to 15 (1200), station fish calls (350), capable reg 75 co (covers), aggro spewy kid cold calls bb (covers).
I call, fish calls.

Flop AT9r. BB check, i check, checked around (anyone mixes in donks 4-way here?)

Turn 7h opens bd flush draw. BB leads 200. Raise/call? Sizing?

Is he spewy aggro but with a fold button? Unless he’s really a donk, I’m usually just calling here. raising just screams strength and can fold out a lot of aces that you want to keep in. If he’s spewy let him have a chance to go at it on the river.

I like the play so far. For the turn, it’s good to know which cards are hearts. If the flop Ace is not a heart, that puts a larger number of combo draws in people’s ranges (anybody here can have top pair + nfd) and you have much more incentive to shove.

The short stack station fish makes the dynamics of flatting strange. It does look strong if you raise, but otoh, you can have all of the combo draws, and lots of BB’s hands are Ax with redraws (e.g. AJ) or combo draws that he might call off with anyway. I think CO plays close to perfect most of the time no matter what you do. You shouldn’t be worried about folding him off AQ or AK, because he’s never checking them back otf against these opponents.

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The ace is not a heart. It was Ax9xTh7h.

The stacks I wrote are after calling the 75 on the flop fwiw. The station had 350 post flop

It’s still awkward if you flat because shorty jam won’t reopen the betting. I would raise, but I’m not 100% confident on the sizing. The options would be $500ish or all-in $1200. I lean towards all-in because there are so many hands that he stacks off ott that could get away otr. Almost no chance dude folds two pair, worse set, AhXh, Jh9h, 9h8h, A8, or AK to a turn jam. Good likelihood he calls off AJ too. I don’t see too many hands that jamming loses value vs small raise, non-heart A2-A6 (presumably he only has the ten suited combos of those). Maybe AQ, but that’s not clear cut.

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I just ship it and hope to hold against either the spewy kid’s or the station fish’s random flush draw/str8 draw/both that they’re almost certainly calling with or have them slaughtered when they gii with Ax. I guess there’s a tiny chance someone has the str8 already but against the range that’s calling you’re printing, and even against the str8 you’ve got 10 outs.