Poker Hands and Strategy

There are plenty of “you cant have an ace you checked the flop” crowds in that place, but i’ve been wrong pretty much everytime i called down these type of regs in relatively large pots.

This one was no exception. I called and he had JTdd. I think i should make more exploitative folds vs these guys

if they actually were good I’d expect very few ax in their range. You’re only really losing to 44/55.

The flop had 3 diamonds

And they are not really good, that’s the point

I always call there, but haven’t played much live NLHE lately and I’m used to playing on Bovada where they will totally show up with plenty of completely random shit. There’s certainly a lot of players where you are just dead there.

Read it as only 2d, my bad.

Yea, but those type people usually use that line of reasoning when calling a bet, not 3 barreling on an AAxx board. No decent player is ever trying to get an ace to fold here at 1/3. There’s lots of spots you can nit fold at 1/3, obv read dependent, but this seems like one.

The way I would look at it is that they probably think you have an ace. What hands would they bet if they think you have an ace?

The players you can call against are the ones who think you have a hand worse than trip aces and the ones capable of deciding to bluff even after putting you on trips. Also, the ones who don’t think beyond the cards in their hand and overplay their ace.

Are those the players who call flop and fold the turn so long as you leave a decent amount of money behind to fire the second barrel?

tired: cry calling the river when villain is very likely to have a flush
wired: bluff x/jamming your trips to try to get villain to fold his flush because “I put you on AK”


that is an awesome play that would have work always with our stacks and that villain

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btw while i have less of a dislike to low stakes backpack regs than most, there is another hybrid that i hate the most and those are the “play pokerbros on their iphone while nitting and slowing up the game” regs. I insta request table change if there’s more than one.


The worst. Endlessly needle them personally.

I’ve taken to calling for the clock every time action is on them and they don’t notice because they are looking at their phone.

Double board PLO is a wild wild game.

Looks like a ton of fun and probably very profitable, but I’m kinda hoping it doesn’t gain traction b/c it seems very hard to multi-table and would cut a lot into regular PLO traffic.

I think dbl board pots are insanely dumb. Ratchet up the variance, decrease the skill. No good player should want this unless in uncapped games they are overolled for.

I’d probably have to play it a lot more, but I suspect that it’s a pretty deep game. Lots of spots where you can force people off split pots or ramp up the aggression in multi-way pots when you have a board on lock. Starting hand selection also seems critical whereas you might get a lot of dinks thinking “meh I’ve got 2 boards so J974s is fine”. I suspect that the edge will be quite a bit larger at dbl board than PLO4, but seems way harder to multi-table, so I’ll stick to 6-8 tables of PLO4.

I’m not liking this new trend of adding a bunch of new games though. Traffic is already getting a bit thin at mid-stakes and up PLO in pretty much all unions, so slicing it up further doesn’t seem like a great idea.

Does anyone mix PLO4/5/6 in a single session? I tried, but as I play quite a few tables, it’s too hard to keep the tables/strategies straight when I don’t have much time to act. I guess I could drop down to 4 tables if it ever comes to that.

I thought the vast majority of the time there is no PF play, you put in $25 or $50 blind and right to the flop.

Not sure. Never seen it before the app and on there it plays like normal PLO4, just with 2 boards.

the screenshot seems to say hero has a flush when they don’t by normal rules too

edit nvm wildly misread there’s a reason why i don’t talk about omahahahaha