Poker Hands and Strategy

You’ve got 44% against AA and you need 35% so ez call. Of course at the table I don’t know the numbers off the top of my head but I probably still call just based on the pot odds and guessing that I’ve got enough equity against his range. Even against a top 1% range (which I’m not sure how it defines it but I imagine it’s a bunch of double suited and double paired AAxx) you’ve got 41% equity.


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Honestly, that fold seems so bad that I wouldn’t even have entertained the thought that folding was an option.

In some cases, you can even be up to a 53% favorite! (Against like AA32 w/the right suits). Even in most of the worst case scenarios, you’re still getting odds to call.

The other factor, as NBZ pointed out, is that your play is a bit transparent, so a thinking player could be planning this with even garbage AA, which makes the call even more trivially easy. Could also be planning it with premium KK, like KKJTds. Even if he had your exact suits, it’s still a call.

I guess I’m mostly considering how you stack up against villain and not how donk’s cards can influence play b/c it can be almost any 4, and just as easily F over villain as you, that’s a crapshoot.

Unless there are other factors at play, like last bullet and not wanting to leave the game, folding seems absurd.

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Also, I think you already kinda admitted it, but seeing 9876ds and thinking “ooh isolate the fish” is also an odd play. The value in 9876ds is that it’s never in bad shape against almost any holding, but never in great shape either. So even if donkey has a random trash holding, you’ve got 55% equity.

Would much prefer 4-broadway w/1 or 2 suits, AKT8ds etc. if I were going for the fish iso.


Games are dead.

I pop 8s7s over a limp and a dead money post in the CO. Dead money folds, limper calls.

Flop Js8h5c I check it through
Turn Ts Limper pots
River Ks

Limper bets 2x pot, I shove for a little more than a minraise
Limper calls:


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5-5 PLO

I recently came to the table with $1600, table is super deep with mostly 3-5k stacks. MP is a gambly, very aggressive, Black dude who probably PFRs 50%. I think he’s been playing ~24h and has a 10k stack. HJ is a seemingly competent 30-40s white guy who frequently 3bets this guy. The table is very loose and actiony.

2 limps, MP r 25, HJ 3b 95, CO call, I have AsKhJsTh and elect to just call on the BTN with a hand that plays very well multiway and not as great vs a 5bet for 300bbs. I could be totally wrong here. The whole fucking table calls and we go 8 way to the flop.

Flop Qs 2s 4h (Pot 760)
Checks around to me on BTN and I pot, UTG makes it 1700, MP tankfolds, claiming a set of deuces, I put the rest in.

UTG says he has a set and shows a deuce, we run it twice and I hit three spades in four cards and scoop

What do y’all think of the preflop flat and bet sizing on flop? Kinda think smaller is better so I can jam turn and have more FE if called by one player and getting a bunch of calls is fine too.

I obviously 3b that hand a ton but don’t mind reducing your variance and you can just only lose $100 when the flop is 456r, 995 etc.

Stacked Jnandez twice today on Stars, main one I put him in the spot I hate most. Getting 3b when you opened AAAx baduigi and don’t have position and have at least 150bb.

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I’m obviously fine with flatting pre. I’m like seeing multiway flops with hands that play well multiway.

I think smaller is better on the flop for the entire range of hands that you bet. I don’t think there is any hand I would pot the flop with on that board.

Hand from yesterday i’m not sure about -

I open cutoff AQo to 25 over a straddle, some solid (or “solid”? Just a dude with airphones who is polite and buys in for the table max) reg calls btn. Heads uo

Flop A54ddd i have none.

I check he bets 35 i call
Turn Ax i check he bets 125 i call
River Kx i check he bets 275

I think a lot of his bluffing hands have Kd and probably check behind river. Also i never see these guys 3 barrelling bluffs ever.
Otoh i have three aces with the nut kicker in a 1-3 game, which is pretty high on the hand chart

You kinda have to call the way you played the hand. Not sure why you decided not to bet.

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I think I’d bet bigger with wheel wrap NFD hands for sure. Small sets as well.

I dunno, hardly anyone bluffs on an AAxx board. Depends on how likely you think he could be value betting a lower ace. There’s plenty of players I’m folding this to. The sizing up when the turn comes an ace is red flag.

Stakes? And how tough a player is he? I used his stuff a lot awhile ago when I was really honing my PLO game.

I’m not sure what betting bigger accomplishes. For hands that you want to get it in on the flop, betting smaller gives an opponent the illusion of fold equity and they might jam with a wider range than if you stick half your stack in.

saved his run good for the WSOP PLOSSUS. currently running second with 29 left

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Just the 1/2z pool. He seemed solid. Think I had hands with him a while back when I had a bigger roll but who cares about hands from like 2016.

I’d be in that if not for my day job. Fun to have a morning session where you make 5x what you will that day.

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Call. You’re pretty high up in your range, and he can have bluffs or AJ.

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Because our A high hands are fine getting folds, it’s hard to be in a dominant position with those holdings.

Which hands are folding to a full pot bet but not 2/3?

People who do dumb things at live plo like tank and say they folded a set (when they didnt)?