Poker Hands and Strategy

You’re giving bad to mediocre one with infinite confidence. You are 100% playing these games wrong, even if you played 2-5 “professionally” (can i lol, or will you take off your pants?)

Well that’s your opinion I suppose. I crushed this exact kind of game for a long time as my only source of income after Black Friday. Doubt it’s changed much like online has. GL.

2/5 games at the shoe aren’t very representative of this game imo

Shoe, MCC, Bellagio and more… I mean, you could be right for lots of reasons, but my lack of experience in this game isn’t one of them.

2-5 “professionally”

On one hand, the quote marks are appropriate because being a 2/5 pro doesn’t require much skill or knowledge of theory, and several years ago it required maybe 3 functioning brain cells. But it’s definitely possible to earn a living at 2/5, and the word for that is professional, regardless of how wrong it feels to call a 2/5 shitreg meathead a professional.

Yes, it wasn’t ideal. It’s also what was available for me when Black Friday happened and took a big chunk of my bankroll with it.

I doubt the game conditions that allow limping UTG exist on most 5/T games. At Hammond, I would guess that sort of game is most likely to have been a daytime weekday 2/5 that was older than average.

There are limpy no limit games where you probably aren’t going to stack anyone without a cooler, but you can grind them down just by playing tighter preflop and better postflop.

for the record there are two different discussions here (well 4 if you include the definition of professional and dick sizes in relation to casino). If playing A2s utg at micro/low stakes live profitable and if limping A2s utg is preferable to raising and/or a valid strategy.

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Wait what? You can definitely play A2s profitably. Is that where the misunderstanding is coming from?

Utg was stolen on the way to the parking lot


As far as limping in super soft donkey games:


Lol I’m just kidding, kinda, but i do think it’s +EV to see some cheap flops with marginal hands vs terrible opponents who can’t fold in these games

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Limping vs raising is the more interesting question to me, but a complicated one. Esp in 9max utg, limping isn’t nearly as bad as people think. This is even true at an aggro table because most people don’t play correctly against limps, ie they don’t tighten their raising range enough, so the ole limp/3bet becomes a valid exploit.

I’m not kidding. You’ve got to limp against bad players who respect your raises and fold pre but will play garbage if you limp and the put in too much action with weak draws or weak kickers. Paradoxically, you can win more money from these players by keeping the pot smaller preflop.

At times, you will find yourself at a table where some players are more exploitable by limping pre while others are more exploitable by being more aggressive and you have to choose which players you want to target.

Not taking sides but adding to this, if villains will stack off with one pair regardless of whether the SPR is 5 or 50, then building the pot pre is less important.

I can get behind limping oop certain hands if the table will allow it. In position, definitely pump pump pump it up

You talk about players respecting raises constantly. It’s totally bizarre at the levels we are discussing and you apparently play.

It’s close to irrelevant but you seem to bring it up as a cornerstone of your strategy in nearly every hand.

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I mean sure but that’s a unicorn. Who plays a tight disciplined game pre but calls everything post?

They won’t stack off, but they will give you multiple streets of value.

I’m not sure what to tell you. I play tight enough that players openly complain about how tight I’m playing and tank with the best non-nut hands when I bet it raise.

I am conspicuously tight because I am by far the most likely to fold OTB or SB in a limped pot. I never play hands because I’m bored. I never throw out random steal attempts under the assumption that everyone will fold because I haven’t played a hand in an hour.

I make an effort to be social and talk to other players. I’ve been told I come across as highly intelligent, so people tend to think I know what I’m doing in poker. I’ve got no hustle in me in the sense that I’m not going to try and fool people into thinking I’m an idiot. I know I’m a tight player and I make people appreciate me by being a polite, friendly guy who doesn’t cause problems. I don’t hide that a play a lot of poker and have been to quite a few rooms across the country.