Poker Hands and Strategy

the main difference between live and online is that live is played without a computer, within a room or hall on a table made of solid material. and you see less hands.

poker concepts do not change.

I also can’t understand his thinking at all. It’s truly bizarre.

i understand his thinking. it’s just wrong. that’s why his thought that the issue is his expression of said ideas is also incorrect.

since he is not interesting in debating his ideas or our thoughts on them but only in improving his abilities to communicate them, i think there’s no need for discussion.

Well, live you’re usually playing 9-10 handed vs 6m on the intertubes so there’s that. Also your SPR is gonna be lower live postflop after you open to 10x or whatever because TheY NEveR FoLD unless you’re deepstacked. But you are correct that the concepts do not change; but the quality of villains certainly does as does what you can and can’t get away with.

Here’s a hand where I used blockers not in my hand to help decide to bluff-catch.

5/5 PLO.

A bunch of limpers. I raise to 20 with T976ds in the HJ. A bunch of callers.

Flop is K73 with two hearts. I have two hearts. Checked to me. With one player behind me, I bet 60 into a 120 pot, which is my standard sizing on this flop and this many players for any draw or made hand that I would bet. There are a few limp-callers who would raise with KKxx pre, so I feel like I am unlikely to raise here and I have opportunities to barrel the turn, depending on who calls me.

Villain 1, a bad Asian player, calls (yay!) and Villain 2, a tight-passive player also calls (boo). Had V1 been my only caller, I bet a lot of turns and take it down. V2’s call scare me. His range here is nut flush draws, various two pair holdings, some non-nut sets, and maybe Kxxx hands that have a flush draw.

Turn is an offsuit 9, giving me two pair and a gutter. V2 checks. I check. V1 checks.

River is an offsuit 4, bringing a possible straight. V1 checks. I decide to check because I don’t think I can credibly rep 65xx (or 44xx). My plan is to fold if V1 bets 200 or more or if V1 bets and V2 calls and to otherwise evaluate. I don’t think I win if it checks through.

V1 bets, but only 150. He bets 200 or more if he has top two beat, usually potting it with a straight. V2 tanks, which verifies he has two pair or a set. Eventually he folds.

V1 is just freakin’ weird. I can’t get into his head to figure out why he chooses to bet the hands he does. When I tell you what his hand was, you will be confused. His bet sizing is what he uses with bluffs and thin value bets, but he makes bad value bets because he has no hand-reading ability. He could easily have a bunch of kings up hands here, but he might bet worse made hands. I was already leaning towards calling, but knowing that V2 had blockers to some of the better two pair hands made me much more comfortable with a call.

I don’t know if I’m supposed to just bluff c/r here because his range is capped and I might be able to get him to fold better two pair. He can be sticky at times. I’ve given up running most naked ace bluffs against him unless he exhibits certain body language tells that he is more fearful than normal. I normally don’t bluff the river just because I can without relevant blockers (or anti-blockers or whatever I need in my hand), but maybe I should consider it here?

The main difference for me live is that the majority of hands are multi-way flops. With hands that play poorly multi-way, I am more inclined to just fold pre rather than 3bet to try and isolate.

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It’s still rare for people online or live to bet/fold the river.

which is funny because people almost never bluff-raise rivers in low stakes

NBZs thought process is exactly how I imagine a nit who has occasional blowups plays.

Poker is dead.

In my 1/2/5 plo game.

Board is KKKKJ

Two players who have played a lot pot and repot a couple times to get allin. The second guy takes like 3 min to call with AAxx. Other guy argues for 5 min his JJxx wins.


I once argued, successfully, in a drunken strip poker game that 2 pair beat 3 of a kind because it took 4 cards.

Also took me a minute, hate omaha

AC Tropicana $1/2
Limped pot, Hero not involved.
Flop: AQJ, a bet and a call. Heads-up to the turn. Effective stack 50 bb at most.
Turn: Q
Guy bets, other guy folds AQ face-up. The rest of us manage to keep our mouths shut until the dealer kills the cards, at which point we interview the folder. He said he misread the turn as a K and feared the straight.
The bettor’s hand? AA


Lol wtf. Actually I saw something like this in S Florida, limped pot, dude in SB bumps it to 30, 2 callers. Flop is 653, the SB bets a bit over pot, so like 120, late position tank folds 55! I saw his hand and thought he was Hollywooding, and then he fucking mucked it! Craziest thing I’ve seen in a long time. He thought the SB had to have a straight to bet so big like that, looool. SB showed 77 hahaha. Dude with 55 then went on tilt and jammed pre with like A3 and got stacked.

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Anyways, V1 in this hand had AAxx with nut hearts. I can’t figure out if he knew he was bluffing when he bet the river.

Haha wow. Tough break, what range can ya possibly put SB on other than {74, 42} after he 15x’s it preflop?


durrr got some eye bags, and what is it with poker payers and super loose-neck t-shirts?

Here’s the whole hand. Pretty crappy run out to 3-street bluff. Nothing got there. 99 and 77 probably reraise pre. Maybe 22.

Still takes some nerves to call that. Every Bellagio backpack pro folds.

He looks fine for 35 years old?

Also i wonder how much live poker all the backpack haters actually play. I’ve dealt with endless amount of testosterone raging assholes in the past month. The few backpack regs were the rare decent humans.

He looked like he was 18 when he was 25. He looks like a 35-year-old with a healthy coke habit.

Just the showing up with a backpack is a bad signal for the recreational players IMO. Also usually they’re horrible for the game. But yeah I’m basing my sample size on a few nights at Bellagio.

I don’t see anything particularly spectacular about that call down. Once you call the flop c/r, you probably should be calling down with that hand on almost all run-outs where all the draws brick.