Poker Hands and Strategy

I personally think that playing “solid” poker is pretty overrated at anything below mid stakes. Staying consistent with your play and never “tilt” are the only things that matter.

It seems like you are good at those which is good enough to be very successful. I, for example, am terrible at it.

Tilt control is probably my biggest advantage as a player. Sometimes, it seems like what I do is keep my head down and try to avoid spewing chips until someone takes an inevitable bad beat and starts playing bad because of it, which happens fairly often in PLO.

I also come across as passive because I only do aggressive actions when I have a reason to do them. I do not default to aggression when I don’t know what to do. I think a lot of posters here had their formative poker years in an era when bet-bet-bet was a way to print money, so they default to those sorts of lines.

5-5-10 PLO

BTN is a high stakes mixed game pro that I used to play with, years ago in a very different format. He’s especially aggro pre and used to 4b quite a bit wider than any other non-whale in the game and will definitely gamble with you. I don’t think that CO is familiar with him.

HJ + CO (2500) limp, BTN (4k) pots $60 with a very wide range, I (4k) pot $215 in SB with QhJdTd9c, CO calls, BTN pots $900ish, both call.

Flop 2s 3s 5s (Pot $2750)

Checked around

Turn 7

Checked around

River 8

I check, CO bets $900, both fold

I kinda want to just fucking rip it on him pre because I think there’s a good shot that he’s way out of line, but I also think that he’s gonna mostly run it with me anyways and I’m only 43% against a top 20% range. Also kinda want to take a stab at the turn with my absolute jack shit and no blockers but I have no idea what the CO is doing in the hand and I’m a nit.

i fully agree with the first paragraph of course.

As for the second paragraph, you come off as passive because you are passive. A lot of posters do not play passively because it reduces their expected value. You do not mind because the first paragraph allows you to make money.

Main problems with these spots are when we bet 1/3 and either get flatted by some moron (most of the time) or decent player (probably has the nuts). We can also obviously get blown off by dry ace bluffs.

These spots check around otf most of the time, I think I basically always stab IP OTT, give up OOP. Obviously leading oop looks stronger, but is uh, riskier.

For nbz, in lower stakes live PLO no one cares if you’re tighter. Ppl fold to the 10% vpip guy on nlhe bc that’s a really strong hand. In plo the fish just want to crack your slightly better hand.

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Rampage’s love of Cheesecake Factory cracks me up. … (I think he owns stock)

I dont understand these kinds of players who dump at 50/100 then go grind for weeks at 1/3.

LOL hand of the week - live PLO edition


SB (500) is a Black dude who constantly shit talks people and does occasional gambley stuff.

Middle Blind (3k) seems Greek or some other kind of southeastern euro and recently sat down talking about how he just got back from hunting in Africa.

BB (4k) is a generic white dude who is on the tail end of a long overnight session and I’m pretty sure is still there because he’s stuck a bunch.

UTG (4k) is an Indian guy who likes to show me his cards and chat with me, he’s up a bit.

Before cards are dealt, the SB declares that he’s going to raise to 75 and the guy to his left then throws in a mixed pile of chips around 200.

UTG calls, I fold trash, fold to SB, they make their dark bets, BB makes it 700, straddle folds, UTG calls and shows me AKK5dd, SB calls AI, MB honestly announces all-in dark, BB snapshoves.

While the dealer is counting the bet, UTG asks me what I would do. I tell him that I definitely cannot answer that question and he goes into the tank, eventually folding and showing. I tell him that I would have called, leaving out that he had the fucking mega nuts in that spot and is insane.

Board runs out 23Jdd Q 4 and MB scoops it with like J862, other guys muck. UTG realizes that he clearly doesn’t want to gamble for that much money and intelligently racks up. MB quits a couple orbits later, up heaps.

I feel like you made a mistake

I have no idea what I had, but I doubt it could beat that powerhouse J2 two pair

If I did the syntax right, propokertools says that around 43% of the bottom 50% of hands beat J2 there. Only 40% of a completely random range beats J2. 35% of the top 30% of hands and under 30% of the top 10% of hands beat J2.

So, anyways, in this hand, I had A542ds. I would fold this hand at a more aggressive table, but this one was pretty limpy. Calling the raise is still marginal, but I think my relative skill level permits it, plus I was closing out the action.

On the flop, I had two backdoor flush draws to go with my bottom wrap. The bet is less than pot and I am closing out the action, so I call. Some people would either donk the flop or checkraise. I sometimes do, but I don’t automatically funnel the money in on the flop.

The turn check-through is curious. I choose not to bet the river because anyone could have a random Kxxx here and I was up against players who I thought were relatively inexperienced at PLO and wouldn’t know to fold that hand, but the river bet made no sense to me. I decided to throw in a bit of fake Hollywooding before jamming. I normally don’t bluff without blockers, but I decided to go for it here.

I suspect villain was making a thin value bet with AAxx. I’m not sure what other hands make sense. AK54? He did pause for a bit before folding, so I think he had some showdown value.

Thinking about giving moderna a solid field test in what I am sure is a giant cloud of delta COVID at WPT Choctaw.

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Insane house call in my plo game today. Heads up all in on the turn for about 2k. This is a crazy action game so about 6 people standing around watching. Player one tables hand and shows nut flush. Next player is holding hand looking at it and one of the spectators says “oh you rivered a boat, so lucky”. Player one calls house and claims player two’s hand should be dead for “two player rule”. House is called over and lol agrees and kills winning hand. Players A barely knows the rail guy.

You have any thoughts on this? Complete angle shoot by player 1 though I guess the potential for a mental error by player 2 is possible.

It is 100% the wrong ruling, dude on the rail should probably get a walk for the day though.

About 5 years ago they let a game get out of hand at our casino. It’s maybe 4 AM and basically everyone is absolutely wasted. Chip stacks not stacked, scattered over multiple seats. Players unable to lift their heads up. Player is facing a bet on the river. He, I believe wants to call but does say “pot.” he is held to a raise, other player has a boat vs his flush. He throws a big tantrum saying he said call, but everyone heard pot. He doesn’t pay, racks up and leaves. Think he paid a ~month later.

If that were the consistently enforced rule, you just need a buddy to stand on the rail and call out hands if someone is taking too long to table their hand

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It was insanity. How can you can punish a player in the game for something an acquaintance does on the rail? I never get involved when I am not in hand but I argued hard against house. I ended up telling guy to call the gaming board.

One of the worst rulings I’ve ever seen.

On the plus side I won 3k in the game :grin:


Completely insane ruling for reason NBZ stated. You can’t punish a player in the game at showdown for something said by a player on the rail. Worst case scenario if house wants to say player 2 cannot claim the pot because of what was said by the rail, they need to refund player 2s bets from the pot (and that would still be a terrible ruling). If I was playing in a game where a house made that call, I’m racking up immediately and leaving.


Here is a fun pot to help explain how good this game is ( and why I can’t leave even with that bad floor call!)

utg straddle is on (one of the two straddles is on 95% of pots).

I fold in first position with junk. MP raises to 45, gets 4 callers.

Flop K107r.

Check, 3/4 pot, call, call, repot all in, call, call, repot all in, all 5 call allin.

Hands on flop are

Kings and 10s
10s and 7 s
Naked QJ
Naked QJ
Naked 89

A 7 hits river for scope of like $4400 pot.