Poker Hands and Strategy

I’m seeing this more and more at places where all the deepstackers have moved on to PLO.

A PLO hand.

UTG straddles. UTG+1 calls. Folded to me in the BB. I call. UTG min-raises to 20. +1 calls. I min-raises to 30. Bemused straddler calls. UTG+1 has had enough of this non-sense and pots it 125. I make it 400. UTG get out of the way. UTG+1 tank calls with about 350 behind.

Flop is 876. I jam. He reluctantly calls. Turn T. River Q. He has KK65ss. I have AA87ss.

PLO is fun.

With your image you are turning your hand face up.

And yet I got called. Although, you’d be wrong if you think only have AA in my range there.

A lot of people think that PLO is about pushing small edges in big pots with a ton of variance, but there’s a lot of value in developing the sort of image where you routinely get people to fold hands with 25-40% equity on the flop and turn.

People don’t drive to a casino to fold double suited kings pre.

Live PLO edges are different for you vs someone like me. You sometimes buy in short, sometimes 100bb it seems. I can’t remember the last time I bought in for under 200.

Lost 2k online though yesterday in hilarious fashion.

Ok you got called. You are still face up against anyone even slightly competent. It’s a massive negative free roll.

Here’s another PLO hand. What did he have? What do I have?

Limped pot. Button raises to 30 and gets three callers.

Flop is Q63r. (Pot is 130) Checked to button, who bets 100. Call. Call. And I call, closing out the action.

Turn is a K. Checked through.

River is another K. Checked to the button, who bets 200 with about 500 behind. (I have him covered) Folded to me. I jam.

Being face up aces is fine when you have $350 back in an >$800 pot

Yeah absolutely no problem getting half our stack in pf even with bad AA. Backraised AA83 and AA72 yesterday, held both.

He was face up when there was like $100 in the pot. Three bet min there is really bad. He is literally announcing his hand. He just so happened to have an idiot with kings behind.

I agree. I’m questioning the three bet min click.

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Yeah, skimmed over that, it’s lolliverpokerbuttonclicking.

But as you’ve seen in your games, there are some people that don’t care how face up you are, they just want to get it in.

Yeah, it’s not a play that I would use without a very specific read on the other players in the hand and in that unlikely event, my range would be good non-aces hands and shitty aces. AA78ss I’m just open raising unless UTG raises his straddle like 60+% and doesn’t 3bet much.

3bet min click back is more a play with your worst aces OOP vs a large field and hoping some goof will reopen the action. With great aces seems wonky.

Why do you think I only do that with AAxx?

Why min raise ever in that spot with any hand is my question. All the hands you post are so strange. I am in no way saying you are a dummy. I enjoy you posting your hand histories. I just have no clue what you are doing and maybe that’s why you are winning??

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If these hands were online I would think they misclicked.

I’m a tight player. If I play in the straight-forward, tight way that nits play, I play my hands face-up and am easy to play against. If I do weird things that confuse my opponents, it causes them to make mistakes against me. I just have to be good at recognizing when my opponents will call me down with a medium-strength hand because they don’t know what I have and try to avoid bluffing in those spots.

Poker is still more of a psychology game than a math game for me, although I can do the math. That being said, I under-bluff because I tend to rely on having relevant blockers in my hand rather than just ripping it in because I think someone is full of it.

I sometimes don’t 3bet aces, even good aces, in PLO, especially when OOP. The straddler was a smart LAG who marked his hand as not particularly strong when he just min-raised, so I feel comfortable min-clicking there with a wider range than AAxx knowing he won’t 4bet me, having already gotten a solid read on me as a tight player. Not a super-wide range, but one containing hands I feel comfortable calling a 4bet with.

The NL equivalent is limp-reraising. Some people think that is obvious AA , or at worst AA/KK/AK, and I am turning my hand face-up, but I seem to be the only person who does that with a somewhat balanced range of premium hands and semibluffs like suited connectors. There’s a type of player who seems to despise any advocacy of limp-reraising because it makes them have to temper their aggression and be worried about early position limpers. If more people learn how to limp-reraise effectively, it makes it harder for them to punish the limpers with light raises in position.

I think the issue with your hands is that you keep alluding to this nearly machine level balance on stuff that any good poker player i know will never have a range for.

So sure, we can’t argue against your claims that any weird hand you play is pefectly balanced over a life span. Most mortals simply cannot do that.


I don’t claim to be perfectly balanced. I even used the phrase “somewhat balanced” to describe my play. I do claim to be what I refer to as pseudo-balanced. Just having some degree of unpredictability in live poker has an advantage.

Against dumb players, having a bit of a mixed strategy doesn’t matter and I don’t exploit them as much as I can. Against somewhat thinking players, I do better because they are mostly face-up. I dislike causing such players to tilt because it makes them more unpredictable and harder to play against. I try not to tangle too much against players who are better than me.

I believe that one reason my play feels weird to a lot of people is that I don’t place a premium on getting pots heads up.