Poker Hands and Strategy

Think you got positions screwed up

If you’re all mostly doing this for fun and you’re going to promote his business, I think you getting 25% of the profits would be fair for a full stake. Or he could buy like 50% of your action in which case a reasonable markup would be anything between 1 and 1.2. So if you want to be friendly and laid-back, can do 50% of entry for 50% of winnings. But charging a bit extra for your time and for wearing his shit is totally fine too.

Your right. Sorry. Going back through my notes. I’ll delete and update.

Thanks. Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it, and I think 75% of winnings for 100% of buy-in makes sense. And there would be slight variations if he wants to put up less than the full buy-in.

In the rare event that I cash, and for enough to owe taxes, how does it work with the staker then? Does he go with me to get paid, and get his money (and his tax burden) at that time? And what’s the threshhold for taxes on a $1,500 tourney?

Can I buy my entry ticket the day before? And the structure sheet I see indicates no break longer than 15 minutes for 11 hours of play on day one. Do people commonly pack a lunch or do they scramble for food at the venue during breaks?

Some guy just threatened to beat my ass and told me I was “bad at math” for not thinking I got “so so lucky” to chop a pot with 9 to A wrap and NFD + BDFD on 3JK flop. He was forced to leave.

Live poker is back.

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The only thing worse than getting 2 outed in a $4,000 pot is getting 2 outed in a $4,000 pot and having to drive 3 hours home


Played live tonight (on a work trip) for the first time since COVID! Won $800 in the 80 at bay 101, played 4 hands of consequence, nonsuper interesting, but I"m sharing because it was so nice to be back playing live.

Hand 1
UTG limps, MP limps, I raise on the button with QQ, SB calls, BB 3 bets, UTG and MP call, I cap, all call.

Flop Q J 4 rainbow
SB leads, BB calls, UTG and MP fold, I raise, SB 3bets, BB folds, I call

Turn T
SB bets, I raise, he calls.

River 3
SB check-calls me with AA.

Hand 2
MP1 and MP2 limp, I raise on the button with A7s, BB calls, MP1 calls, MP2 3bets(!) everyone calls.

Flop is T 6 2 with one of my suit
Checked to MP2 who bets, I call(?), others fold.

Turn A
MP2 bets I call

River 8
MP2 bets I call and win against KK.

Hand 3
6 handed now, CO opens, I 3b ATs, everyone clears.

Flip AJ8r, CO check-calls me.

Turn 4, CO check-raises, I call.

River 3, CO bets, I call and lose to J8

Hand 4
Early limper, I raise on the button with KTo, blinds clear out.

Flop K79
Limper check-calls

Turn 3
Limper check-raises, I call

River J
Limper bets (I consider folding, but not too hard) I call and lose to 77.

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I have a friend who is whining about his bust-out hand in a circuit event. He described JTo as a “weird hand” for his opponent to open with on the button when he is the big blind and has 4bb behind and the sb has a huge stack.

Would have considered having dinner with him, but I don’t want to listen to him try to justify his play.

I just started a tournament on Ignition in the SB but the button paid my blind. This site is so fucked up.

Early in a $300 tournament. Blinds are 100/200/200. Effective stacks are about 20k.

Five way limped pot. I have 6 :spades: 5 :spades: OTB.

Flop is 963 with two spades, giving me middle pair with a flush draw. Sticky, tricky LAG leads out for 400 in the SB. Middle-aged woman who hasn’t done anything worth noting raises to 1200 UTG.

I can make a case for all three options. What’s your plan for the hand?

Fold pre

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I think you can safely cold 3bet here to 3600. You shouldn’t get 4bet by bottom set, and that is far more likely than middle or top set given the preflop action and your 6 blocker. You also fold out one pair hands a decent % of the time. If a brick rolls on the turn, you will probably get checked to, and you can take a free card.


Hopefully the third one is immediately resign from the tournament over fold.

5/10 NL

I raise to 40 in the CO with 45ss, button calls, bb calls.

Flop: Qc 3c 6h I bet 65, button (not very good player) calls

Turn: Kh, I check, button bets 125, I call.

River: Qh, button bets 300, I ship for 1100

I don’t see what a ship does that 750 doesnt

Throw in a smirk if you think it’ll help

why no simple double then triple barrel here? it’s a big risk to check that turn with no showdown value. Let them put you on AK.

It’s fine if your read is villains people’s point of pain is getting jammed on.

This was kind of a dumb hand, I normally bet the turn there, not sure why I didn’t, and was basically gonna give up on the river, but I think he checks back his Q’s on the turn (besides QK) and checks back his K hands when the Queen river hits, so I just couldn’t put him on a hand so I made the move. He ended up calling with 5h7h. Probably a bit too much fancy play syndrome on my part! :grimacing: (and booze)

But yeah Effen, I agree the smaller sizing would accomplish the same thing there when his range is pretty polarized

If you were the villain what hands are you playing this way and then sigh folding the river to a raise that’s less than a PSB. (They have to call 800 more to win a pot of 1900)

Basically air :joy: