Podcast Thread

Where I landed was: Knox obviously guilty, lol Italian police.

after the netflix thing came out, talk to your random person who’s aware of it, they’ll enthusiastically declare her complete innocence.

if anything else, and isn’t relevant to the case, she’s had a very successful writing career launched off the back of this, and her immediate family went destitute trying to save her - AFAIK they are still destitute and she’s doing just fine.

I thought Knox was guilty for a while (I was on Henrys side during that whole abortion of a thread) but now think she’s innocent and that a bunch of evidence was completely and deliberately manufactured by Italian police/prosecutors.


The italian police handled it so poorly it is literally impossible to deduce what happened. There are many “certainties” in henry’s argument that I no longer believe.

However, it is almost impossible to place her anywhere else than at that apartment during the murder and well after it. She’s done nothing but maintain a version of the story that suggests otherwise.

I won’t even get into her nonsensical slander case. There is no explanation for her behavior other than she was complicit in the crime and definitely present, I’ll die by that.

Netflix loves to give an unchallenged platform to complete scumbags, guess it’s good for clicks or something.

Just did the same for Tim Donahey.


Making a murderer was also horribly dishonest, at least in the first season (only one I watched)

What in particular did you find dishonest?

Always thought that Henry’s enthusiasms in the Knox case were suspicious and self-serving. Notably, he was unable to explain where he (or his wife) were on 11/2/07.

He has an air-tight alibi. Obviously he was at a place that Meredith Kercher was unable to afford to be at.


the man spends $3,000 a month in olive oil and lightbulbs!

Dude had 4 years of betting on his own games, a full year of there being gigantic line movements on his games and has the gall to say he didn’t influence them and blame the NBA.

Shocking of Netflix to have that stance

There’s more evidence of Trump being a genius than of Knox being guilty.

There’s a reason she’s a poster child for convicted innocents instead of, say, OJ. She’s done good work since she’s been released.

She’s killing it

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I’m not sure OJ is a shining example of innocence, but also probably the fact that he’s black and she’s an affluent white girl propped up by a multi-million, multi-year long PR campaign for her innocence. If the facts were that obvious, wonder why that was necessary.

you can’t even google reliable info about it anymore, it’s been so tainted by that side’s propaganda.

like even most of the people that support overturning her conviction do so because of the gross incompetence and malpractice of the police, the state’s case against her was garbage, but they also will usually admit it’s very likely she has some culpability.

OJ was guilty, so it’s a strained comparison. Point was just that OJ was guilty and acted guilty before and after and is widely regarded as guilty.

Knox has never been guilty other than in the mind of tabloid readers with active fantasy lives.

This is the kind of stuff she does these days, lecturing law students of fake convictions.

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well, OJ wasn’t convicted (of murder, at least) is probably the biggest reason for this

I’m well aware of what she’s doing these days. watch some of it. lots of it is incredibly self serving and I’ve read of professors that have brought her as a guest lecturer have taken a fair amount of flack for doing so.

She clearly hired a quality PR firm to help rehabilitate her image (both before and after her conviction was overturned). Not sure we should give her that much credit for that.

I’m also pretty sure that he current job is just making money off her story (hosting a podcast, writing books and articles, giving speeches, etc.), so again, it’s hard to say how much of this is genuine and how much is her just pushing her brand to make more money. Her brand and story only has value to the extent she’s seen as innocent as opposed to just wrongly convicted.

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Wait some people still think Knox is guilty. Just lol. Wtf.

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I’m absolutely loving what they’re doing with the Adam Friedman show lol. Nick is an actual genius I think

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