Podcast Thread

everyone knows fake london is in texas

Thought that was fake Paris?

Fake Paris is in Tennessee

Meanwhile, there are two fake Pragues: one in Oklahoma and another in Nebraska

Ontario has fake everything.


Every time I glanced at that photo, I saw another “fake” place lol

I love how they seem to be in a city naned after one of the most important European aristocratic dynasties, yet do not include that. Should have also gone to Kitchener, which was named Berlin until WWI.

man I listened to that podcast twice and I’m still confused. I’m not sure he didn’t do it but there’s so much puzzling stuff about it all.

the serial podcast is known as very flawed and has a very positive adnan bias, and they still didn’t really convince me.

the thing that struck me about it, but sorry it’s been a couple years so I’m hazy, but that there is almost no one else who could have possibly done it.

I remember listening to Serial way after it was a viral sensation and going on tilt because of the way it withheld information and misrepresented what was important in the case. Like I know you have to do that to some extent to tell an engaging story but in episode 2 she spent an entire episode talking about how she didn’t buy the prosecutor’s theory of motive, and then FOUR EPISODES LATER it’s revealed that on a note Hae wrote to him saying she was disappointed he didn’t respect her decision to dump him, he had written “I’m going to kill” at the top. Like episode 2 includes her soul-reading the dude as “not the kind of guy to kill”, which, lol, and ends with her flat out saying she doesn’t buy the prosecutor’s theory of motive, but the episode is only at all compelling because she deliberately withholds the best evidence that he had motive.

The centrepiece of the case is the cell tower evidence and how it lines up with Jay’s testimony, with the Nisha call as icing on the cake. It should have been obvious, as goofy notes, that an accessory to murder and drug dealer might not have been totally honest with police from the beginning, and the podcast makes way too much hay out of inconsistencies in his testimony. Just because he is a slightly unreliable witness, that doesn’t make him capable of manufacturing a story that lines up with cell tower evidence when he doesn’t know what that cell tower evidence is.

Although I’ll keep soul-reading of my own to a minimum, I did think it was weird in real time listening to the podcast that Syed had such a muted reaction to their evidence that he couldn’t have made it to the Best Buy carpark in time. It made sense when I discovered (reading that interview goofy posted) that if guilty, he would have known that this apparently exculpatory evidence didn’t matter.

The prosecution case was still a little thin so I’m not sure if I would have convicted or not, I would need to have sat through the trial rather than listened to a podcast which is actively trying to mislead me, but I certainly think it’s likely he did it. The quashing of the conviction cited Brady violations by the prosecutors, but if there was exculpatory evidence suppressed that obviously doesn’t necessarily mean he didn’t do it, it depends on the evidence. I will be somewhat surprised if whatever it is seriously changes my opinion of the case.

Actually the filing says the cell tower evidence was unreliable, I remember some back and forth about that but I thought it had been decided that the way it was used was appropriate. If that’s not true that would certainly change my opinion since that’s the supporting beam of the whole case.

It pretty much all hinges for me on how unreliable the cellphone evidence turns out to be, but it seems at this point like he ought to be acquitted, even if I still think it’s likelier than not that he did it.

I guess also it would make a difference if they have additional evidence against this other suspect, which might be hidden by the ongoing investigation. “Threatened to kill Hae at one point and had a family member on the same block where her car was found” is weak stuff if that’s all they have.

New episode of serial out with a summary.

There is a lot of ACAB shit going down in this case which makes it tough to conclude the conviction was justified

Think the podcast was ridiculously pro-Adnan but one thing it did illustrate is how messy criminal investigations are, do not think this case was abnormal in that regard. This and a documentary about Larry Krasner helped me get at the heart of the disagreement between liberals and conservatives on crime, imo.

Take it as a given that the average cop is too stupid and incompetent to solve and collect evidence on cases without regularly violating defendant’s rights.

Liberal’s position is “well, you need to get better at it, both as a matter of principle and because you are forcing courts to let folks who are probably guilty off the hook.”

Conservatives say sure they should get better at it, but it’s not practical to solve all crimes by the book and mistakes are bound to happen regardless. You need to overlook cop’s misdeeds/mistakes and just do whatever it takes to get the “obviously guilty” bastards thrown in jail. Unless the defendant is a rich, white guy, of course.

He’s been in prison his entire adult life on a shitty conviction. Plenty of admitted murderers serve far less time.

It seems plausible that the state wouldn’t do this without another suspect lined up.

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Put me in the camp that he probably did it but also probably shouldn’t have been convicted.

The one thing that never made sense to me – how did the guy find her body in the middle of the woods? Did that ever get resolved?

there are a couple obvious issues here, like basic rights being violated. like it’s bad enough that this sounds like it’s incompatible with 4th and 5th amendments (IANAL), but also invites police/prosecutors to routinely overstep their jurisdiction and authority. and yeah, i know we already there, but it’s different if/when scotus will just go ahead and allow it in a decision, e.g. alito’s opinion on miranda.

man I had never seen that interview til now, but I always felt the producers were a bit scummy, glad that’s been confirmed. feel super bad for the guy

Ugh convinced myself to give it another listen because I think this is gonna blow up and I’m gonna get drawn into debates with idiots about it and I want to come fully armed.

Hope this doesn’t become another amanda knox thing. she totally did it or was an accomplice to it, but they ran a really good PR campaign for so many years and the court of public opinion prevailed. There was a full blown paid knox shill on 2p2 that battled with Henry17 for years - his like 50,000 word thesis on the subject was incredible.