Podcast Thread

I feel like his employer probably does know about the podcast but there’s a plausible deniability situation going on.

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I’m both a bit surprised about his as I hadn’t thought of it before and really don’t care. I don’t see how this effects a podcast unless it sells itself as hard news.

it appears the practice is particularly popular among podcasts in the wellness, cryptocurrency, and business arenas.

Gee I wonder why


if you can’t get enough LIS SMITH she’s guest hosting Pivot today, I doubt I will get through this episode, she just (sincerely) called Elon a “genius” and is mad that some people don’t like him.

jesus christ smith starts out the podcast bragging about being a POLITICAL OPERATIVE (her words) and then later doesn’t understand why Oz is getting his ass kicked in the polls.

Swisher: “he’s from NJ”
Smith: "is that it?

She like, doesn’t believe that people actually care about carpetbaggers.

With all due respect life is way too short to listen to that woman talk about anything.

How much time do you spend hate reading Boggleheads?


I basically never listen to a podcast that is over an hour, but if you work in the tech industry this is a DO NOT MISS

it’s FIVE HOURS with John Carmack. And it is all 100% gold.

I don’t really know this interviewer, my first thought was “doesn’t this shithead have an editor” but then I was like “letting people know you got five hours of Carmack’s time is a massive flex”

Cumtown is donezo…two months ago.

I mean Adam and Nick still have a podcast but Stav was a pretty huge piece of that.

They will be missed.

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Decoding The Gurus did an episode on Lex Friedman. He’s basically a boot licking idiot. He’s the world’s biggest Elon musk and Joe Rogan fanboy.

this makes sense, I just heard an interview with the product owner of the facebook mobile app on decoder and he mentioned being into fridman

I’m already radicalized against USA #1 F450 BIG ASS TRUCK culture but I’m really getting radicalized against car culture in general

a piece of why japanese kids are able to be way, way more independent is constraints on automobiles that make streets way more pedestrian friendly and hence a shitton safer for kids in particular.

anyway this thread is getting hijacked by me for a minute




Yeah but in American schools you need cars in case you need to quickly drive away from a mass shooting.

If you haven’t, I suggest subscribing to Not Just Bikes on YouTube if you’re into topics like the ones above.


Yeah, I love that channel. Although my wife gets annoying at me for constantly ranting about STROADS now.

Yeah, dude is legit. His video on his hatred of Stroads is great


NotJustBikes just did a video on my nearby stroad and you can even see my apartment building in one of the shots, just barely. You could say I’m kind of a big deal.


My favourite thing on that feed is that he’s originally from London, Ontario (where I was born), and he hates it so much that he makes sure to always call it Fake London.

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