Podcast Thread

5-4 continues to bring it. Enraging.

if you have any curiosity about Matthew McConaughey running for TX governor, check out the latest Sway. Hooo booy this guy has no idea what he’s getting into, it is like total casualpackersfan.jpg

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This is probably going to be a theme as America’s political crisis drags on and on. The country just had Donnie Dumb Dumb, an objectively stupid and evil and proudly ignorant failson, as President. It is very natural that other unqualified celebs are going to be thinking “well then why not me?” The Casual Packers Fan version of a Dem wouldn’t be any worse than Donnie Dumb Dumb, or even the eDem leadership. At least they wouldn’t be saddled with the eDem unjustified faith that actually the system is great.

The guy thanked Jordan Peterson in his memoir. Sure he’d be a step above Abbott but I wouldn’t be celebrating.

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Anyone else find Ezra Klein boring as hell? He’s a smart guy and makes good points but almost no entertainment value.


Lots of one-man podcasts tend to be like that imo. Even Howard Stern back in the day needed to bounce things off of people and occasionally guests for entertainment value.

JP masquerades as a non-affiliated objective person. I’ve had two different moderate conservatives in my life tell me about him as a “progressive guy” they like who occasionally crosses over to the right wing side of issues—thinking I’d be excited about him as a progressive myself.

People just don’t realize that his whole grift is to be an enlightened modern philosopher nerd championing truth and reason but conveniently landing at alt-right friendly conclusions whenever it matters. The two people I know were each in disbelief when I said JP is just a faux-intellectual right winger.

Granted, someone who doesn’t recognize this has no business in modern politics, whether they’re on the dem or fasc side.

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Jordan Peterson is the dumb man’s version of a smart man. Use big words, speak circuitously when discussing simple things and you sound smart because you bamboozle your listeners.

His books on his simple rules could be cut by 90% and not lose a scintilla of meaning.

I like him. His voice isn’t great but he makes a lot of non-obvious points and is good at keeping a level head amidst the insanity.

Plus he doesn’t even follow his own simple advice. Clean your room bro.


This is very similar to libertarian screeds that use thousands of words to state very simple level 1 concepts. It’s not a coincidence that this approach works on both libertarians and alt right men. Those belief systems are both characterized by several broad assumptions that are developed by thinking about what you want to be true and then studiously avoiding any contradictory data or evidence.

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This is a hilarious comment in the midst of a bunch of posts about Jordan Peterson.

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Of course he doesn’t. Look at his daughter.

A guy who spent most of his career speaking out against the far-left has a daughter who gets knocked up by a leftist who claims to be possessed by the devil and has his kid. And apparently her all-meat diet went directly to her boobs too.

She then chucked him into some potentially deadly benzo-rehab treatment program in Russia because it was unethical to do in America or Canada.

This picture is like an epic and terrifying–epically terrifying–seek and find.

Almost every single pixel of the image contains ambiguous horror.

I do find him boring in the sense that he’s smart and tackles things from different angles and don’t just repeat liberal bromides, so I like reading him, but also he doesn’t have any razzle dazzle. I can’t think of anything he’s done that memorable even while I feel like I’ve been informed by him.

I did always get a laugh that he’s randomly throw in a “fucking” in the podcasts. Just one per podcast and it never sounded natural. I guess to get an explicit label on the podcasts. I always thought it was funny in a cringe way.

A random aside he also had one of his production assistants fill in for him on the Ezra Klein show and the guy sounded just like him in the sense of the same cadence and rhythm in his voice. Like it was eerie and uncanny. I couldn’t ever tell if it said more about Ezra, that maybe he was so scripted by production assistants that he was some kind of podcast automaton, or maybe it said more about his assistant. Something like he wanted to be like Klein so much that they sounded identical. In any case I avoided any episode his assistant filled in for, it just felt wrong.

Yes and he knew it too, that was exactly how Robin got involved in the show in the first place.

And Artie and Baba Booey when that wasn’t enough

Wow that’s odd. Wonder if they had some kind of beef because the podcast seems too successful to just dip to do " other stuff ".

I can’t imagine he got a better offer to so a solo podcast.

Was a great podcast but the 500 episodes on OJ was ridiculous

Apparently Michael is leaving but Sarah will remain. I’m interested to see what both of them do next and whether the pod will continue in its current form.

It would be interesting to see a full eulogy of the current form of the podcast. I think it’s widely listened to among media types, and stories putting the actions of notorious people and events into context are now quite popular. We’re starting to think about the 1980-2010 era as a historical period, and much of the new media about the period focuses on the sexism and racism that shaped our culture during this time, and how popular opinion was often completely deranged. I think they made an imprint on how society at large perceives that period, for the good. So kudos to them.

Nah doesn’t sound like it.

Yeah I was super over this.

Wow I just checked out their Patreon for the first time in a while and they have over 30K subscribers, which means even if everyone is on the lowest tier they’re pulling in 90K a month and Patreon only take 10%. A lot to walk away from, but Michael’s other podcast Maintenance Phase (which is OK but a bit narrowly focused to be interesting to me) has 16K subscribers. Once you become a well known figure in the podcasting space you can move into side projects pretty easily.

I kind of prefer Sarah, so I hope she gets a good co-host. I never checked out her other podcast “Why Are Dads” because it sounded like the most boring subject imaginable.

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