Podcast Thread

Damn, I’m amazed he is pulling 16k by himself. I couldn’t imagine listening to a podcast with just him. A big part of why the show was good was their dynamic

There’s another co-host on Maintenance Phase. She’s pretty good too.

The fact that he walks away from $40k/mo or whatever is impressive to me. Really passion project sort of material and not just in it for the money. Or I wonder if they figured out some sort of residual–30% of all patreon earnings for a year would be more than fair imo.

I’ve got a 7 hour road trip to Asheville this weekend with some friends - looking for a spooky fiction or true crime non fiction series to help pass the time for all of us. Any recs?

Just stared really getting into the Story Break podcast and they’ve ended it. :(

The co-host on Maintenance Phase is pretty good. The show would be fine but the material is just not interesting to me. I listened to their episode on Dr. Oz and it was an explication of how he’s a huckster hawking bullshit. Pikachu face. Then I listened to their ep on Nestle and how “we must give the developing world more protein” became orthodoxy for years and it was a tale of colonialism and bullshit science and I was like yeah OK, I’m out. Don’t think I finished the episode. I already know nutrition science is basically a scam. I don’t like having opinions I already agree with explained to me at length, which is why I find 5-4 boring even though I like Peter a lot as a host.

The main thing I like about You’re Wrong About is how they get underneath media simplifications of people and reveal the emotional complexities driving them. That sort of dissection is what made the Diana and DC Sniper series so compelling. That’s what Sarah is good at, she always tries to understand people as human beings even if they’re O.J. Simpson or Jeffrey Dahmer. So I hope she finds a podcast partner who’s a good fit for her to keep doing that.

I’ve always liked the Team Coco remotes and that type of stuff more than the Conan shows. His podcast is pretty good. The Howard Stern episode made me rethink my views on Howard. I hadn’t really listened to Howard since I lived in Denver in the late 90s early 2000s.

Does anyone have any good history podcast recs? I’m currently listening to Tides of History, Revolutions (thanks @TheNewT50!) and Hardcore History. I’d be really into something about pre-Colombian Latin America, but I can’t find anything like that.

I’ve got nothing.

But a pre-Colombian history of the Americas podcast would be amazing.

As would African history pre-Scramble for Africa.

Kings and Generals have some decent stuff on like the Inca empire but its a youtube. You could always convert it on a youtube to mp3 site and make it a podcast. I’ve done that for a couple shows

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Oh shit they got a playlist of the pre-Colombian civilizations. Click the title to go to the youtube and should take you to the playlist

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The great courses has a bunch of good stuff on pre columbian history. Theres three by Edwin Barnhart. On on north america, one meso america, one south america.

A trifle more academic than hardcore history, but excellent.

All available on audible.

Not sure who recommended, but I’m really enjoying “Revolutions”.

Haiti was excellent. Mexico even better.

Mexican revolution a little Game of Thrones esque. Dont get too invested in any of the characters, no one is safe.

On the Media with an infuriatingly terrible retrospective of Colin Powell. Let’s just skip riiiiiight past his Vietnam record and let the listeners know he spoke Yiddish! And he helped out inner-city schoolkids! Never been more disappointed with the OtM crew.

When I listen to Cum Town, I know that I’m just a bad person and I have to accept that fact.

Nick Mullen’s impersonation of Hannah Gadsby absolutely kills me. I highly doubt that this is all improvised because he would’ve kicked Stav and Adam to the side years ago as dead weight if it was.


Latest Chapo (571 Welcome to the MentalVerse) is very good.

Man I thought it was the opposite. I’ve never had an episode every joke failed to land for me

The floss bit dragged on for way too long

Sam Harris appearing on Decoding the Gurus for 3 hours is a sweet spot for me. I agree with Sam about many things, but I think he needs to be called out for some of his BS/blind spots.

pocketcasts link: Special: Interview with Sam Harris on Gurus, Tribalism & the Culture War - Decoding the Gurus

He has been regularly called out. Just not by people hosting podcasts.

He has a bunch of right-wing points in his arsenal, especially when it comes to police, Israel, and his love of western civilization. Does a lot of both-sidesing too.

Lately, his episodes have been pretty easy passes. Just a lack of interesting guests.

Yes, but this is an episode where he’s on the podcast where he’s being called out, it’s not just sniping from the cheap seats.