Podcast Thread

Do they provide a procedural document? Will come on handy soon for Americans.

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Seriously it’s such an amazing podcast. I don’t know I can kinda buy what that man did. It sounds like it was super common to kill your family members because they thought the US was going to horrible things to dishonor them, and even being captured was considered dishonorable, and was basically the biggest disgrace of their culture. They were killing themselves in insane numbers, so I could see the family basically being like I can’t do it myself please do it for me. If we grew up in that culture, maybe we would do something like that too, as crazy as it is to think about

I mean there were several other stories of family members killing each other and theirselves. Like he says I think he is just showing the extremes of the human experience.

Man I wish he could put one of these at a month but yeah losing creative control would tank the quality.

I got to try revolutions. I found History of Rome to be pretty dry and kind of boring, but that was after I had listened to Carlins downfall of the republic which was fucking so much drama and amazing. I’ll being going in with a near blank slate of the revolutions so maybe that will make it better.

Recent 5-4 on the eviction moritorium is good as always. It is hilarious how incompetent the Biden admin is. Seriously saying " I don’t think this is legal " before doing it… are you fucking serious?

Landlords are voting and donating to Republican anyways, and evictions are going to hurt dems, so I can’t see them doing this so it fails on purpose. Just pure incompetence, which seems par for the course with dems.

I’m sure there will be a chunk of independents who will factor in millions more homeless into America doing worse under democrats and vote republican or stay home.

Plenty of friends and relatives of evicted people probably too.

It’s just pure incompetence.

I mean look at the abortion shit, same deal. They knew it was coming and still have no idea how to capitalize on it or fight back. Bunch of mush brained boomers

I am only ar episode ~32 and Lenin has been around for a while.

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Any good norm Macdonald recommendations ?


Yeah. There were definitely a lot of suicides. And he did a good job of representing why the man would do what he did and think the way he did.

It’s just that’s he’s got a case where it was all the men killing themselves and killing their families, and his only source is one of the murderers. He uncritically repeats that the wife and kids also wanted to commit suicide which for me seems very much unproven.

Y’all are listening to 30-ep podcasts about the fall of the Roman Empire and I just got done listening to some guys come up with a script for a Jar-Jar Binks movie.


I’ve listened to a bunch of the WW2 casts a few years ago. They are good.

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They’re blowing up!



Every single person who voted democrat in 2020 should be strapped down and forced to listen to every single episode. Probably everyone in the country.

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Needs to rebrand to 6-3.

Most of all the worst decisions are still 5-4 with Roberts siding with the liberals

Oh my God. The latest premium Chapo Trap House (released just this second) is an interview between Felix and none other than fucking Rod Blagojevich.

@prana the boys are back:



Have you seen the docuseries WW1 Apocalypse?

I have not. Sounds like a recommendation?

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He got caught on tape doing the crimes, that is the difference. There was no Hastert sex tape.

It’s a must watch for people interested in WW1 history. Colorized original footage and re-enactments done on the spot.