Podcast Thread

Find me a techbro who doesn’t suck.

You can’t.


…so he’s using data to support this claim? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Can you not link a stitcher subscription to overcast or am I just being dumb?

You can add any RSS feed.


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Through the first two episodes of Hell of Presidents. The content is great but there is something about the Matt/Producer Chris duo that doesn’t do it for me. And I’m a guy who enjoys Matt’s solo takes.

Going to finish it though, the actual content is very good

I’ve listened to the first one and yeah, there’s a like dynamic between Matt and Felix in Time For My Stories, for example, that is missing, even though I like both Chris and Matt individually. But Matt goes on plenty of good solo rants and the content is good, particularly for a non-American like me who is hazy on American history. Will definitely listen to the rest.

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Ronan Farrow’s Catch and Kill coming to HBO July 12th

How can Spotify spend so much money on podcasts (e.g., Joe Rogan, The Ringer, Gimlet) and have such an enormously shitty app?

I never got into TrueAnon because I assumed it was another chapo and one chapo is enough for me, but I listened to this deep dive into Haiti and enjoyed it. Do they have other good deep dive episodes like this, or are they mostly shooting the shit on recent events a la chapo? Are there some must-listen episodes that I need to check out?

Thanks I’ll check those out, though this is a pretty big turnoff, unfortunately:

Blatant plagiarism! Very Serious Lawyers!


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I haven’t listened to this series yet, but she has come across as pretty levelheaded in ever other episode I’ve heard

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The new season of Blowback is starting to come out for free. Topic this season is Cuba and Castro. So far so good! Season 1 on the Iraq war was elite.

Latest 5-4 is absolutely enraging. This is the most blatantly absurd decision I’ve ever seen. (The union busting case from CA). The idea it’s a per se taking to…have people enter your property is facially ridiculous. By this logic a regulation letting utility companies or police on your land is a per se taking. Absolute mask off evil shit here.

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Ya this one broke my brain. There are lots of examples of ways the state can access your property without your say.

Trump just expropriated tons of land for his wall!

the decision was some serious lawyer brain. unions bring massive public good, but the culture of victimhood runs so deep, they pervert another principle to get out of this one.

also, doesn’t it mean that the government just needs to provide some payment for the temporarily occupied property? like, even if conservatives think someone visiting a work site is infringement, the law just says government has to pay to do so. i realize they can just try demanding a billion dollars, or some other shenanigans, but the legislature should just state a nominal fee and move on with our lives, no?

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Yeah and it’s part of the Roberts two step where they will use this for far more heinous shit. We’re so fucked without voting rights and a wave enough to pack the court. So maybe 10%

This doesn’t seem that crazy to me! (Sorry, I mean that viewing it as a taking seems right; the idea that it’s a per se taking is ridiculous.) Forcing a property owner to allow access to the property does seem to violate the property owner’s rights in a way that be subject to limitation.


This seems to be the obvious solution. Find for the property owner and require the state to pay damages of like 80 cents.

friend of the forum SAM HARRIS is on scott galloway’s podcast talking about CANCEL CULTURE and you’ve heard it all before, the greatest hits, including his continued confusion over people labeling his anti-muslim bigotry as “racism”. Just tons of white guy grievances.

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My free subscription to Sam ended a while ago but I still have access to this podcast feed.

His voice knocks me the fuck out at night. I hear his voice and I’m asleep 15 minutes later.

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