Podcast Thread

It’s pretty good.

He quit vox and moved to NYTimes

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Shoutout for the Ezra Klein recommendation. Seems like he covers current events and his latest one on voter suppression is pretty good.

Blowback sn1 is really good, lots of angry feelings coming back to me listening to it. Find it hard to keep up with in spots but I’m prob just slow.

The Trueanon Musk and JFK series are A+ as well.

Enjoying the Time for My Stories Chapo spinoff as well, agree with almost all of their takes.

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I really hate how so many podcasts are on apple/stitcher and don’t let you download episodes. I don’t have unlimited data so I don’t like to stream shit :\

Also super annoying that most of the ones that do have random names and don’t download into an album. So I gotta search through " unknown " on my phone to find the episode. Ones that are just a bunch of random numbers like Citations Needed and On The Media are the worst.

I mean I rename them now when I download but still annoying.

The latest premium Chapo (Small Worthless Pockets) was an all-timer, their reading series of two John Kass pieces at the end really short circuited my brain. There’s this undercurrent of suburban domestic ennui in his writing that rises to Lovecraftian intensity. I feel like it might be like something like Hot Couch Nation in that some people just don’t get it, but for me it was dark comedy that had me in fits of laughter at some points.

I found the True Anon podcast last night and found it really good tbh, dived into the 9-11 series 1st as I thought it would be a good place to start on and see their work.

Can’t wait to start the JFK series too and if anymore of them are recommended I’ll give them a shot too as I’m back on the nightshift :relaxed:

They have a “spider network series” which is a few different episodes about nazi networks after WW2 that’s pretty good. One was about this colony down in Argentina I believe, I’ll see if I can find the list of episodes part of this unofficial series

Thanks, that will be on my list for sure as I’ve always wanted to get some facts on where they went etc after the destruction they caused.

Wait are you not allowed to download some podcasts on the apple app? Most of the ones I follow I just download on my phone when I have WiFi and listen to later

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Just started listening to this and the first couple of episodes have been very strong. Not nearly the humor or relentless dunking of 5-4, but smart and willing to take shots at Alito, which I very much appreciate.

Also, Apple’s podcast App has been updated to hot garbage with the last major update.

Overcast app is the nuts! Get it.

+1 for overcast

Pocketcasts is also great.

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Surely Apple knows the podcast app is dogshit, I can’t figure out why they would release such an unambiguously terrible update.

Alright I’ve declared podcast bankruptcy on the apple app (75 or so episodes in my queue that I probably won’t ever get through) and I’ve added all my subscriptions to overcast. Let us gogogo

Update: Overcast is the nuts.

Favorite feature: You can choose to default sort a playlist from oldest to newest (or the reverse), but then override that sorting for priority podcasts.

So it’s like, "I guess I’ll catch up on these older episodes of “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” UNLESS THERE’S A NEW REWATCHABLES PODCAST AVAILABLE, IN WHICH CASE I NEED TO LISTEN TO THAT IMMEDIATELY.

Like, that’s super elite app design.

iTunes is the most frustrating dogshit software I’ve ever used and I 100% believe it was deliberately designed to make something like transferring an mp3 to an mp3 player completely counterintuitive.


Great clip found on the Bruneig podcast

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I take it back, Sam Altman is a fucking moron
