Podcast Thread

New 5-4 was really good. It’s on the supreme court rulings on our territories.

In non-political (or at least not-that-political) podcasts, I just listened to the recent “Dollop” episode on Cabeza de Vaca and actually laughed out loud several times. I haven’t listened to Part II yet but am looking forward to it.

Not sure if anyone has listened to Blowback podcast. They had a season 1 about the Iraq war which was recommended to me by a couple of people but never got around to it. They just came out with season 2 which is about Cuba so I started listening to season 1 and I’m loving it so far.

Episode 0 has a hilarious opening and talks about why they are doing the podcast and what they are planning to do with it. Definitely recommend it


Unless they changed it, you had to pay for that podcast. It’s what turned me off from it.

They released all of season 1 in one day on stitcher premium but they released the episodes for free week by week on apple so you only had to pay if you wanted to binge it all. All of season 1 is free on apple and episode 1 of season 2 came out

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The way Stitcher Premium works if you’re not familiar is it’s like Netflix, so you pay I think it’s 5 bucks a month or something and you get all the shows on there. It’s a decent deal. App kind of sucks though.

As chance would have it I also started listening to Blowback recently, I’m through the first season and currently near the end of season 2 ep 2. It’s a well made show, very well produced, solidly researched, entertaining. It was a good way to revisit the Iraq years and hear names like Moqtada al-Sadr and Paul Bremer and so on rise out of the mists of time. Enjoying season 2 so far as while I already have a good understanding of the Iraq War having lived through it, I have only a basic grasp of the Cuban revolution, the Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs and so on.


Yeah well Cuba is about as relevant to your average Australian as Sri Lanka is to your average American. It’s a tiny country on the other side of the world. I’d guess well less than 10% of Australians could point to it on a map.

Will definitely listen to the Cuba podcast.

My two polar opposite understandings of Cuba come from the Dan Le Batard show which has multiple Cubans on it so they view it as the most oppressive place to ever exist Communism bad and leftists on the internet that view Castro as a based hero.

Speaking of Lebatard, since he left ESPN he has started a podcast empire like Adam Carolla only Lebatard’s doesn’t suck. One of his “horses” is none other than Hank Azaria, who is ‘casting in character as Jim Brockmire. If you’re a fan of the Brockmire show, or even if you’re not you should check it out. It’s hilarious. It helps to have seen at least the pilot episode of Brockmire but it’s not essential.

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Blowback S2 is absolutely excellent, mandatory listening. Also on catchup, a few weeks ago TrueAnon had an uncharacteristically Genuinely Good episode discussing Adam Curtis, detailing his (numerous) failings without losing sight of why his work is so compelling, worth a listen. It’s called ‘And Then Something Strange Happened’ iirc.


The Jake Tapper reading series at the end of Chapo 519 - The Leper Colony is… well… it’s something, that’s for sure. I do recommend listening to it, but you should be warned that you will definitely sustain some brain damage.

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The set up and punch line of Joe returning to austerity like the guy from Momento and Felix chiming in that Joe reads “don’t believe his lies”, turns the poloraid over and it a single working mother had me laughing so hard

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New 5-4 patreon gave me a good laugh. Reviewing a new roe v wade movie with a clear conservative bias.

On The Media with another good effort blowing up the “unemployment making people lazy” nonsense.


Thanks for the “Blowback” recommendation. I’m powering through it. Our government is so fucking evil.

OtM the only outlet doing this for some reason.

On the Media is consistently excellent. It really deserves an hour a week on HBO.

The On the Media host sounds like Trump if he were a normal human

followed someone after hearing them interviewed on a podcast, first tweet from them I see is this

instant unfollow

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Quite funny as a bit, but yeah, blocked and reported if presented straight.

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