Podcast Thread

He’s not very good, I’ve never played any DS game but he was in the Crystal Cave(?) and he kept dying by just falling off the invisible paths (and sometimes the visible ones), was pretty funny. I threw in $100 and kept the tab open to check the final tally, it was about $125k. Apparently they’re matching it (or so they were saying around the $30k mark), so that’s about a quarter of a million.

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Jesus, that sucks.

Too many of my favourite podcasts are losing hosts due to their behaviour. :confused:

Man, i hope what he did was a lot worse than it sounds.

Oh fuck.

Damn. Here’s a quote from CNN’s article on it:

“This decision was made following a recent investigation conducted by an outside investigator that found that he had violated the policy,” NYPR said in a statement. “Bob was also the subject of an investigation in 2020, which also found that he had violated the policy, and which resulted in disciplinary action, a warning about the potential consequences if the behavior continued, and a meaningful opportunity to correct it.”
After NYPR announced his termination, Garfield took to Twitter to defend himself.
“I was fired not for ‘bullying’ per se, but for yelling in 5 meetings over 20 years. Anger mismanagement, sorry to say,” he tweeted. “But in all cases, the provocations were just shocking. In time, the story will emerge…and it is tragic.”

And some of his tweets on the subject:

Seems very similar to the Don McNeil saga.

Just devastating news, OTM has been my #1 politics news source for years. Hopefully Brooke can keep the ship afloat.

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hot take I guess but for me as far the podcast goes this is not bad news—imo his style had always been 10% too chesty & supercilious and his segments were usually outclassed by Brooke’s. This never came close to spoiling the show for me and I hope the firing ends up seeming warranted because the alternative sucks; overall I think he was plainly good at his (v hard) job, but after years of listening I could never totally shake the feeling that irl we’d be dodging him at the christmas party


This is fair, but it was always satisfying to listen when he teed off on some media fuckery and entered righteous anger mode. I can kinda see him being a hothead off the mic.

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“Bullying” as a cheat code for getting your office enemies fired is pretty gross. Sad to see the MeToo movement which brought down actual rapists and serial harassers now churned through the horrible machine of humanity to take people’s jobs for raising their voice at a meeting.


The entire OTM staff agreed with the firing. This sure seems like a legit case of Bob being an abusive asshole in the workplace.

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Where did you read this?

Intro of the latest OTM podcast.


yeah brooke basically kicked the episode off with “fuck yeah we finally got rid of that dick”

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Pretty wild that they felt comfortable including that line. What a (deserved) twist of the knife.

I hadn’t heard the news about Garfield’s firing, so listening to Brooke’s monologue made my jaw drop.

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70,000 characters is technically true but also a huge exaggeration in context. Only a tenth of that are really in general use and you can get by with like 3-4K characters.

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