Podcast Thread

Take any even nominally leftist podcast and google “[Podcast Name] black feed”, especially do not give the Red Scare shitlibs-in-training money. Almost offended by the suggestion that I did, frankly.

Too late! I am officially an InfoWhore tier subscriber.

God damn these bitches pull in $42k/month? Respect.

I give it nineteen days.

I mostly subscribed because I think “InfoWhores” being the first tier is hilarious


Fair enough, but I’m telling you now you’ve drunk the cream.

I listened to quite a few of the Red Scare podcasts this weekend, really liked them so far. The older one (Anna?) is interesting and they’re both very funny. Most of them seem to be about stuff I don’t really gaf about (art? COME ON), but the politics and mainstream pop culture ones are entertaining. Really enjoyed one of them saying if Ronan actually is Frank Sinatra’s son, one think that everyone can agree on is how ashamed he would be to have a gay son, lol. Like Richie from the Sopranos.

Anyway, thanks for the recommendation.

Yeah, she’s the ditzy younger one. I find her commentary less insightful than Anna, but she’s pretty funny. Took me a while to be able to tell their voices apart but I think I have it down now.

I wish I could be as cool as her around those people

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If Red Scare is on the menu for this forum does that mean that Cum Town is next up


what now?

From my very brief experience with it, it’s kinda like Chapo but even less about politics and more on culture.

Podcast in the top 10 of all patreons, dasha was engaged to one of the hosts. An 8th grade lunch table hosted by three professional comedians. One way ticket to cancellation in some circles

Cum Town is pretty hit-or-miss with me.

I was absolutely dying at them going off on Seinfeld though.


Any content that is Nick doing impressions is definitely head and shoulders above the rest, I usually just listen to YouTube comps

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if that was good Cum Town I don’t want to hear bad Cum Town

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Yeah bad Cum Town is really bad.

Good Cum Town kills me. Pretty impressed given that every episode is completely improvised.

Given Seinfeld’s view regarding Israel and having teenage girlfriends as an adult, I loved that clip

@Preet_Bharara is going to have to find a new co-host! LOL at his sidekick getting appointed before/ahead of him.

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Whatever though, enjoy I guess.

It’s like 10% “Why are you doing this”, 80% “Meh” and 10% “Still smiling about it a week later.”

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New You’re Wrong About (political correctness) is very good. I’ve always thought it was a dumb, bad faith issue, but I’m surprised how much of a dumb, bad faith issue it actually is.

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I binged the hell out of that podcast for likes week then stopped. Need to get back into it