Podcast Thread

Every time I hear it on the news it sounds like the Irish tea-shop. Which is very quaint.

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Three and a half hour Trueanon ep over the Las Vegas shooting with Felix from Chapo :eyes:


I listened to the whole thing on a hike and would not recommend it. The hosts were fine but the material was lacking. It was an assemblage of disconnected “weird facts” none of which were actually very weird or very interesting.

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Ezra Klein moved to the new york fucking times and somehow got a massive downgrade in his podcast bumper music

Really good 5-4. So depressing. I can’t even do it justice, but the cliffs are a prosecutor who blatantly framed a guy for capital murder can’t be held accountable in any way.

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Yeah it was meh especially compared to some of true anons better work

Saw a podcast called Investigate Joe Rogan only to find out that he’s fact-checking guests not Joe.

Also the episodes are about 20 minutes each with a few exceptions and the speaker is more boring than Ben Stein

Feels like a missed opportunity

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Hunter Biden is on WTF with Marc Maron

God the Red Scare people are so fucking dumb. I listened to their Woody Allen episode against my better judgement. Their theory on Ronan Farrow is that he actually is Woody’s son, but has been driven by deep-seated psychological issues to maintain a fantasy of being Frank Sinatra’s, including copious amounts of cosmetic surgery to account for, uh:

And I mean OK it’s not, like, logically impossible I suppose? But it’s definitely on the ‘zebra’ end of the horse/zebra spectrum. If nothing else, I feel like if surgery could make you look that much like Frank Sinatra, I’d expect a lot more Frank Sinatra lookalikes to be wandering around.

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No one gaf abut Frank Sinatra, not sure why people would be clamoring to look like him. He kind of looks like John Farrow as well. Maybe Woody just has weak genes and Mia’s totally dominated. Are Ronan’s eyes contacts? If so then he’s consciously trying to Sinatraize himself, whether or not Frank is his dad. But more importantly, who cares?

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I care in that I find it mildly amusing. You’d probably have to have heard the casual earnestness of the rival theory and I can’t recommend actually listening to it.

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In the picture that @All-InFlynn posted, Sinatra is a very handsome guy! And imo Ronan is also a very handsome guy who resembles Sinatra a great deal. The idea that Ronan got a ton of surgery to look like Sinatra is an interesting theory(?) that I never heard before now. I find it hard to believe that cosmetic surgery would work so well in a world where celebrities can end up looking like


Oh I don’t think that you can transform yourself, I think Farrow is just a naturally handsome guy. But I don’t think Farrow looks all that much like Sinatra.

That’s Sinatra when he’s 30 or 31, Farrow is 33 now.

You ask me, he looks more like this handsome young fella:

Ronan Farrow has never done a paternity test afaik. Thought it was the worst kept secret in Hollywood that he’s Sinatra’s son.

Or maybe neither Woody or Frank? They both have longer faces than Ronan, who is pretty square headed. But the scuttlebutt is that those pale blue eyes Ronan’s walking around with are colored contacts.

lol I don’t think I’ve ever listened to an episode of their podcast and I’m glad I haven’t

I’ve never seen a son look more like his dad than Ronan Farrow looks like Frank Sinatra.

It’s uncanny!

OK now I do care about this and want to listen to this podcast to learn more. And damn it, it’s a “premium” episode? What the hell, shell out the five bucks for an InfoWhores tier membership. I have to say, their podcast episode names are pretty elite, maybe it’ll be worthwhile:

Manhattan Molestation Mystery
Non Fungible Podcast
Ecco Cuomo
The Most Dangerous GME

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