Podcast Thread

Haven’t listened to the episode but…

Libs wanting to overstate the importance of Russians posting bs about Hillary on social media and downplaying how unpopular Hillary was is how normal people react to things. How many grown men’s first reaction to their team losing is to blame the refs? It’s pathetic but just standard humans being dumb.

Regarding the Dems not having done anything while the republicans did, that’s a take that is missing key elements of reality. There was never any serious claims of voter fraud or the election results having been faked. There was nothing for the Dems to go to court with regarding the vote. What they did get was the Mueller investigation, which–imperfect as it was–did lead to a number of indictments and provided at the very least some opportunity of finding a smoking gun that Trump did more than fire people and lie to cover his ass.

So what did the GOP do this time around? Two months of doing nothing but showing their ass (and in the case of Rudy Giuliani a quite poorly wiped ass). All of this concluded with an event that no one really knows what to call because the most it could’ve accomplished was a bunch of murders that wouldn’t have impacted the election results.

Does anybody wish the Dems had acted like this in 2016?

“At least the GOP filed dozens of lawsuits that were laughed out of court. The Democrats didn’t even do that!”

Yeah, man, sure got the libs with that one.

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My post was more directed at Chapo than you. They’ve absolutely used the “at least the republicans tried to do something about it unlike the libs” line.

Tried to listen to a JRE episode since he moved to Spotify.

It was not good. He had the fucking Undertaker on and I lasted like 2 minutes. How the fuck do you have The Undertaker on and you start off talking about how much you hate taxes and restaurants in California closing due to covid? The guy is a wrestling legend. Pro wrestling and wrestlers are almost entirely fascinating and that’s how you start it?

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Especially Mark Calloway. Dude has to have approximately 5683739573739 stories to tell

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Julia Galef interviews Vitalik Buterin (creator of ethereum), some interesting stuff on token-based prediction markets, dude clearly gets clowned on in parts of this, he essentially argues that “people who are fans of cryptocurrency are smarter, which was proven because bitcoin is expensive” and Galef dunks on him, he almost admits he might be rethinking a bit but then shakes it off and resumes his previous thinking


I honestly don’t think I’ve seen/heard a shoot interview that was uninteresting prior to this one.

Rogan has a very bad case of the same thing Bill Maher has, “upyourownassism”

Terrible thing to see. It causes the victim to babble unconrtollably about something that is important to only them and shin the entire rest of their show I’m favor of these shitty talking points.

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I’m kind of surprised he still has so many followers. It’s a big thing on his subforum that basically everyone there hates him now, trumpers hate him, libs hate him.

I think his audience has gotten be like 18-25 year olds who are still figuring out life, and to them Rogan is kinda like oprah?

I used to like him when I wasn’t really sure about my beliefs, I needed to get healthier and was just getting into psychadelics and him preaching about being super nice to people, being healthy and working out etc were pretty cool. Then he just turned into a raging douchebag. Not sure if I just matured or he legit turned into an asshole. Probably both.

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It was torturous watching Sober October last year. It was designed to be self-improvement but Joe was the only one viewing it as a competition. He didn’t want to do anything unless he thought he’d win. I wonder if Bert and Tom soured on Joe as a result of it. As far as I know, they haven’t been on the show since and they now have their own podcast.

Used to only watch it if I was interested in the guest and I knew I’d be interested if it was The Undertaker but now I can’t even get through those episodes.

His reddit represents a very small percentage of his fans and it seems that basically every podcast subreddit is comprised of complainers who find themselves watching every episode despite their posts. The exception is The Fighter and the Kid which is dedicated to mocking Brendan Schaub rather than watching his shows.

I don’t find that true about reddit. When I’m looking at a new show I will check their subreddit to see what are the best episodes or overall reviews and like 99% of them are positive.

It’s not just reddit either. His old forum hates him, we hate him, where on the internet is there positive Joe Rogan discussion? Twitter? lol.

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The same place where The Big Bang Theory is the #1 show on television and Facebook is a net positive to our society because it let’s us say hi to Johnny from high school.

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I’ve never listened to his podcast, but my impression is he’s reached the ‘Simpsons cameo’ threshold where it’s almost always a bigger deal for the guest to be appearing on his show than it is for his show to have booked that guest, if you get me.

Thought I’d pop in to say thanks for posting this. Was definitely worth a listen. I actually got a little choked up when powell talked about othering. It’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about. It’s IMO one of the most important things we as a society will be dealing with, and we as “progressives” or leftists or whatever should be seriously focused on.


Glad you liked it. If you feel like expounding more on your thoughts related to othering, please share.

cliffnotes: podunk sheriff is a shitbag

If you are interested in show business this is a great podcast. It’s sort of about why a c level actor got fired from a no lines small role on Band of Brothers 20 years ago but really it’s so much more.

It’s serialized so you have to listen from start.


So I have copies of the police affidavits. They’re all basically the same, but right now I’m looking at the one for the 88 year old man. I should mention, by the way that I reached out to request an audio interview from sheriff Grady Judd, and they told me because the cases are ongoing, that I just have to go off of what is already publicly available. So that’s what we’re going to do.

It’s worth noting that the written part of this document is riddled with errors. They spell the word statute and incorrectly. They wrote it as “statue.”

Dealing with some legal geniuses

Good most recent Chapo (#507). Original three. Mostly reading articles.

Halfway through and it’s excellent.

The constant conflating between heritage and nationality is infuriating to me.

Will: Tay-shack
Mat: Tay-shock

I guess they’re trying :joy: