Podcast Thread

Some lovely Xinjiang trutherism from guys who still can’t pronounce Xi in the latest Chapo.

Apparently Felix and Matt are now going some show on stitcher about TV shows called “Time For My Stories”.

It’s basically the Chapo episodes on movies/TV shows only on a different podcast. I hope this means that the movie and TV episodes are done for on the main podcast because I don’t even bother with them.

Getting six figures for working 2 hours a week is a dream.

How much time do you think they spend on research and other non-recorded prep work?

Little to none.

Probably varies based on member and episode though. Given that Felix can’t pull himself away from video games during an episode, I doubt he’s really putting in much effort. Will seems to be the guy holding things together. You can hear it on the new TV podcast because it’s completely disjointed and disorganized without him.

Stitcher Premium

And people said these guys weren’t funny anymore. The Black Wolf feed beckons.

Been using that feed for ages.

Yeah lol at signing up to whatever a stitcher premium is for that. Definitely black wolfing that.

Holy shit, Adam Curtis on the new Chapo. No time to listen tonight but god damn. HYPE as fuck.


Chapo was on a solid streak of funny episodes.

Guess they gotta ruin it with seriousness from time to time.

Nah. I get enough political seriousness from here. I don’t need it in my political podcasts too.

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New 5-4 patreon podcast on Scalia is pretty solid. Sounds like they’re going to use them not for cases but for more big issues like textualism etc. Maybe we can convince them to do a more current events thing with it when they run out of that stuff because it sounds like they didn’t have a lot of ideas lol.

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Latest Chapo is embarrassing. Both sidesing the big lie, just completely unhinged nonsense.


Chapo is always best when not trying to be a serious political podcast.

Anytime they’re just making fun of things for an hour, I’m hooked.

Yeah, I was happy to throw them $5/month because I think the regular podcasts are great. But I am not optimistic about the quality/frequency of the subscriber-only ones.

is it going to get released for free eventually? or is the whole patreon content paywalled?

As far as I know, they’re going to maintain their regular series of free podcasts (weekly, right?) and have additional subscriber-only podcasts that remain paywalled, like this Scalia one.

My all-time favorite OTM bit was when they trolled the White House Correspondent’s Dinner by hosting a serious workshop on journalism next door and seeing if they could get any of the cable TV news guys to show up. The WHCD ended like two years later, I’d like to think OTM played a role in that.

I don’t know man, don’t you also see “the libs” as being actual monsters? Unless you straight up don’t believe the statistics on stuff like child poverty and the income distribution.

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Lot of people on this forum believe in the Russia conspiracy.

And they get dunked on by Chapo when they point out at least the right was willing to try and do something about a “stolen” election.


I think it was more that Trump was actually correct in complaining about how decadent and depraved it is (even though he actually didn’t care about that, he was only sad because they wanted to tell jokes about him)