Podcast Thread

Chapo is good again!

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I’m beginning to understand why some people find the Citations Needed podcast to be a bit overwrought. Did I need a full hour+ and a special guest to explain that political appeals to “our nation’s heartland” or “Real America” are actually racial dogwhistles? Probably not. Maybe this is mindblowing new info to someone out there, I dunno.

I still like the pod, tho.

Now that they’re just shooting the shit and taking the piss out of politicians and journalists instead of offering hot takes, it’s back to pre-Trump form.

Great 30 minute listen. Would highly recommend. They touch on many inter-sectional topics that come up on during conversations ITF.



Yes, I think they beat things into the ground a bit. I assume some of that is due to running low on topics they haven’t covered yet (or maybe I’ve evolved as a listener and just don’t need two guests and a whole hour to agree with a reasonable lefty premise).

Impressed that On The Media had a “fuck this asshole” pod up within a few hours of death. GOAT


Listening now. The lack of audible booing when Trump honored Rush at the SOTU is gross.

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Your Wrong About Recently had a crossover episode with Know Your Enemy, one of my favorite podcasts. It looks into the ideas and history of America conservatism. The recent episode on west coast straussians was very good.

“Matt and Sam explain West Coast Straussianism, the school of thought behind the Trump Administration’s “1776 Report.””

“Looks like Adam Scott in a microwave”. I heard this was an all time Matt episode. Delivering so far.

New Chapo is elite. 10/10

Definitely been solid post-Trump.

Love Joe Biden mockery. Thought they could have done better with Limbaugh though. There’s so much they can do with a guy like him.

I liked the guest they had.

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Yea she was great. I initially wanted to check out her work, but I’m sure I’d give myself a stroke after reading healthcare horror stories.

The best.

cliffnotes: cable news wants clicks, you don’t get clicks from prosecutors saying “I don’t know exactly what is going to happen and it’s complicated”

brutal soundbite from Neal “super genius” Katyal in this episode

Not sure if this is new, but 5-4 has a patreon now, and will start with bonus episodes.

Enthusiastically signing up for the $10/mo plan.

Halfway through the latest episode (McClesky v Kemp) and the analysis is brilliant as usual.


idk why On the Media is so consistently better than most media outlets. Probably because Bob & Brooke give zero fucks about access or being on TV.


I don’t get how they can retain good humor and an apparently healthy disposition. I’m ready to throw rocks at CNN headquarters after every episode, they just laugh it all off despite being dead right about absolutely everything for like 20 years and being completely ignored during that period.


Was surprised to hear they basically make no money on the podcast since it’s pretty damn popular. Happy to hear they pay the production team well though.




Looking forward to the history of the four L’s Brent Bozell.
