Podcast Thread

In “words I would have been confused to see in a sentence 10 years ago” news, Ben Stiller is set to direct a movie based on a Rachel Maddow podcast.



Initially, I thought so too.

I didn’t listen to their most recent episode but the one this past Monday reminded me of why I got hooked on them in the first place. I just want to listen to people savegely insult politicians, journalists, and anybody else who happens to be in that realm. I can get takes from 5-4. I want the shit talk from Chapo.


They are good at what they actually want to do. They are bad at what they claim they want to do.

Are there really enough Watergate nerds out there to form an audience for a full-length Spiro Agnew biopic? I mean, I’ll watch it, obv.

I think it’s probably some combination of Stiller having a bit of credibility/juice in the industry such that people want to greenlight his projects, and Hollywood loving themselves movies about that time period. But, yeah, I’m not sure how the math pencils out for that one.

I’d watch just to see how far they lean into the George H.W. Bush obstruction of justice angle…


The makers of Nytol have to be worried about such a potent sleep aid being made available for free.

I Can’t Sleep podcast already exists. Knocks my ass out almost immediately.

Pence would just piss me off.

The recent episode of 538 podcast is the most detached-from-reality hour I have ever heard. It’s 3 GOP strategist talking about the future of the Republican Party. In a vacuum, you would think Trump never existed and the GOP is just having a little policy disagreement among itself.

It’s just unreal fantasy land stuff.


I lasted 5 minutes.

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For those of you who like dunking on gasbags who had some success in one area and now think they’re a genius in any subject, the latest Sway with Mark Cuban is a must.

dude literally thinks expanding third-party ballot access is the way to get Ted Cruz out of office

The vox conversations feed (what used to be the Ezra Klein show) has a great episode with Mike Duncan (History of Rome/Revolutions) talking about how the vanilla isis coup stacks up to other violent revolutions

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I’ve really been enjoying the Pivot podcast from the Vox media network.

It’s conversations on tech, business, and politics… they’ve had some good insights into the Gamestop fiasco

I somehow listened to it all in morbid curiosity. I can’t believe the shit that came out of their mouths. Like I wonder if they just say what they wish is true and hope to “secret” it into existence. But really probably just justification to think any of that really still exists to allow themselves to belong to the party.

Anyone listen to podcasts that basically tells stories? Something like hardcore history. True crime, history, random interesting stuff.

I like to listen to that stuff while I’m going to bed.

How about Hello from the Magic Tavern for absurdist humor

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Yea +1 to You’re Wrong About, though it isn’t really stories. My gf loves MFM, I think it’s OK.

I don’t listen to them often but I enjoy Revolutions and Myths & Legends. M&L is probably the type of thing you’re looking for.


You’re Wrong About has fantastic content but their voices are super tilting to me.

I do.

I listen to a bunch of history podcasts.

I suggest In Our Time for highbrow panel discussions covering multiple areas of study. Melvyn Bragg can be a bit pretentious but otherwise he’s a terrific host.

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You’re Wrong About is the #1 ranked podcast in Australia. True story.