Podcast Thread

i was just introduced to Hi-Phi Nation. this one is interesting



Have you tried “More Perfect”?

That podcast struck me as mythologizing the sanctity of the court as an apolitical body from the few episodes I listened to. Very status quo-affirming stuff. Right down to the name, which tilts me.

Am I mistaken in this judgement?

I don’t agree with that sentiment, but I have only listened to part of the catalog. The episodes over Citizen’s United and the 2A didn’t come across that way to me IIRC.

I also listen to a ton of NPR / NYT stuff alongside Chapo / TrueAnon, so some things being more normie doesn’t really strike me.

I know I’m late to the party, but “Nice White Parents” is great. Very uncomfortable at times, though (which is why it’s so good!).

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There are certain moments where a more leftist critique would be a layup—specifically zooming out to the national context on white flight, or interrogating the obsession white parents have with a quality education vs the notion that people are responsible for their own station in life—but it mostly never comes. Nonetheless, a great listen.

Another rec: Buried Truths. It’s about a cold case civil rights murder in mid-century rural Georgia. It’s at the intersection of true crime, social justice, and history. I’m about three episodes in—very good stuff.

For an even more horrific attempt at a cockney accent, I say look no further than this abomination

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LOOOOOL that’s closer to an Aussie accent

Lol yeah it’s dreadful isn’t it. I was convinced the actor had to be either American or Aussie at the time, but turned out Charlie Hunnam is actually from Newcastle. I think Guy Ritchie and co were wise to have him stick to the Geordie accent in The Gentlemen.

I think what it sounds like is an Aussie trying and failing to put on a Cockney accent. He keeps slipping into rough Aussie dialect. Amazing he’s from Newcastle.

Decided to hate listen to the Charlie Kirk show. I didn’t think I could find someone that devoid of radio personality.

Law Boy absolutely crushing on the latest 5-4.

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Been a bit since I watched Chapo but man their newest episode is terrific. Best intro in a long, long while.

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That intro was elite.

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Trump being out of office is so good for this podcast.

Now it’s just a bunch of shit talking and trashing politicians and journalists. This is what got me interested in the show.

Saw the Common Sense topic here. Carlin’s always had terrible ideas on there. I remember once he suggested countering the threat of Russian advancement back into Europe by giving everyone a nuke. Latvia - you get a nuke! Lithuania - you get a nuke! Slovakia - you get a nuke! Like some MAD Oprah.

Shout out to the pod Johns for an 8 minute ad read

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I guess with Orange Man Bad no longer relevant messaging they’ve gotta up the cash flow while they still have listeners

People still listen to Pod Save America? Can’t believe they’re still relevant.

Plug for Trillbilly Workers Party, been enjoying it