Podcast Thread

He’s not a radical centrist imo, he’s more of a float above the fray, leave me alone with my books, Epicurean. I used to post a bit on his former forum, and part of the reason he closed it was because it was clearly trending into a breitbartesque cesspool. So I don’t think he’s cynically placating RWNJs with podcasts like this, his brain just seems to recoil at making normative judgments about politics. This is generally good when doing history podcast, and well, quite derpy when doing political podcasts.

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Invite him to unstuck


vox has rebranded the EK show feed, it’s now “Vox Conversations” and the first episode is Sam Sanders interviewing Olivia Nuzzi. I was going to instadelete and unsubscribe because I find Nuzzi to be way too navel-gazy but I like Sanders so I gave it a whirl.

Anyway, it’s a lot of gossipy stuff about “you won’t believe what this white house insider said” from nuzzi, not really anything that would be news to UPers. All of the value in the episode came from Sanders. One really good point he made about the coup attempt, people try to use those pictures of old grandmas waving flags inside the capitol to argue that it wasn’t a violent insurrection, and Sanders pointed out that it was a LOT like a lynch mob. You can find photographs of lynchings where a bunch of nice, respectable looking people came along just to see what was going on. It was essentially entertainment for them. And the fact that they were just having a picnic doesn’t prove that the event itself was harmless.

Latest On the Media is so good.

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I am extremely grateful to those who turned me onto 5-4.

Has to be the best politics podcast out there even if it isn’t technically about politics.

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This podcast delivers nearly every week.

This one too. :grin:

OTM has been an incredible podcast for years, idk why we have any other politics podcasts.

Just listening to the 20th anniversary retrospective ep that dropped today. Good times.

Ditto! Absolutely love it. Who knew a legal podcast could ever be so fun and interesting!

Huh, I always assumed The Citadel was an actual military academy run by the US military.

today’s dear hank and john features an amazing segment where the boys give us their impressions of british people doing american accents

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seemed fine to me, that’s isn’t how you people talk?

No it fucking ain’t, gor blimey luv a duck.

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Poetry Unbound is a fantastic poetry podcast, at least through the 10 eps I’ve listened to so far. Pádraig Ó Tuama is so fucking gifted at reading poetry.

This is the episode that hooked me:


So disappointed that Eben Britton has been replaced by Jeremy Piven on Mike Tyson’s podcast.

Piven just completely ruins the flow. Eben was low-key and connected well with Mike. I suppose some Don King motherfucker bought the podcast out because it’s in color, has better equpment and a more casual atmosphere rather than sitting at a wooden table and talking.

Typical Mike. Dump all the people who made you and care about you for some big money piece of shit who only wants to exploit you for his own benefit. Sure it was nice to get Bill Burr on there as a guest but saddling the show with a guy whose way of contributing involves LARPing as a Hollywood agent really fucked it up. Such a shame too.



The original YT videos were black and white

Just recently a whole new set popped up. No more B&W footage.

It was an old person joke about podcasts being an audio medium.