Podcast Thread

Checked the pod save america podcast after years and they had a 7 min ad break loooool


Since nobody in the other thread knows what a challenge coin is, here’s a podcast you can catch up on

New common sense from Dan Carlin. Man I love Hardcore History but I had to turn this off after about 3 minutes because he was whattabouting " mob violence " on both sides with BLM and storming the capital and how extremism on both sides is rising.

I really hope he got better and he wasn’t being that gross. If anyone finishes let me know if it does.

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Some absolutely awful takes in Sam Harris’ latest podcast. He both sides a bunch of things. Of couse he’s furious at Trump because of the norms and stuff but he’s especially mad at all the people who made the point that BLM protesters would have been treated differently by the cops. That kind of wokeness is what’s motivating the lunatics on the other side.

Get fucked Sam.


Even the trump supporters I work with aren’t trying to both sides storming the capitol. They think the people who did it are crazy and dumb because of course you can’t walk into the capitol uninvited. If a bunch of trump supporters get it while he doesn’t…

A lot of Dan’s listeners are full-on deplorables. His forums were like Chiefs Planet when he finally wiped it clean. He can’t completely discard one group or the other lest he lose a lot of people.

Sam is doing that same balancing act because of the split in his audience.


We definitely shouldn’t discount revenue stream preservation as a motivation here but also consider the possibility that they’re both actually deplorable themselves. I don’t really know Carlin but Sam Harris definitely has significant overlap with some of the worst of the ultradeplorables

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Dan was center/center-left prior to Trump’s election. Honestly, his show was a lot of both-sidesing from as far back as I can recall listening.

Sam definitely right-wing though not deplorable. Given his cast of political talking heads (David Frum, Andrew Sullivan etc), he’s probably in the Never Trump category.

oh, he’s definitely a nevertrumper, but his objections to trump are aesthetic

Yeah I don’t think Dan is deplorable. He did say that a good amount of the violence was started by the police. I think he could change his mind if he actually talked to some good left wing speakers. I think his problem is he sits and watches traditional news which focuses almost entirely on shit like looting, burning buildings etc. You basically have to go on the internet to see the truth of the matter.

I think he’s a good dude. Like he has an Hardcore History about globalization and the age of exploration where he basically says white people are super assholes because all the horrible shit they did to native people throughout history, so he isn’t deplorable. He’s just got unity, both sides, we need to come together brain disease. .


I wonder if Carlin would be a good outlet to walk back some Trumpers who are having second thoughts after the capitol storming though. No way they will listen to anyone who doesn’t both sides it

If he did Common Sense more often, I’d say it’s a way to slowly pull people away from deplorableness.

But it’s a tiny step. Cult deprogramming is a long process.

I doubt it, I’m sure his deplorable message board posters listened to Common Sense.

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Yeah and basically turned the forum into a Dan-hating place.

I mean he’s a weird one in general. Biden is the first time he voted for a political party nominee in like 30 years. He also supports universal healthcare.

I think he’s someone who could be pulled to the left if he talked with the right people enough. Then again I doubt he’d broadcast it even if he did because a huge portion of his audience are deplorables and he both sides enough for them to tune out his political opinions.

My brief take on Carlin is that he is a small-c conservative who pines for the way things were in the post-war era, while looking past or minimizing a lot of the bad stuff that was part of it.

That said, I have a much better opinion of him than Harris. At the risk of reviving the debate, I actually think he’s a capital-r Racist, no matter how much he protests that he isn’t.

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Wow I actually got a reply from Carlin lmao. Anyone better at this want to make the point for me?




I gave it shot. Might need some editing.

Oppressed and marginalized groups demanding justice, equality, and the end of state sanctioned violence against their communities is not an extremist position. White supremacists arming themselves and agitating for a race war, while “real” Americans(wink wink) attend riots with neo-nazis & militia members where they chant death threats to their political enemies–that is political violence and extremism. When you apply the same label to each: “ends of the political spectrum”. That is both-siding.


What kind of sklansky-ass point is he trying to make here

Simultaneously JAQing off two political parties. Pretty skillful work by Dan

Radical centrism is a pretty accurate description.