Podcast Thread

What’s pretty surprising is their own reddit shitting on them for this episode.


Not if you’re familiar with their reddit lol.

Shitting on Amber is the norm. But shitting on the entire podcast is not such a huge majority voice.

I’ll let RM do the hatelistening. Anybody know a good political comedy podcast?

Chapo Trap House is pretty OK :^)

Not kidding, 5-4 is the funniest political podcast I listen to.


It is excellent, yeah.

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+1 to 5-4, I got into it thanks to recommendations here. Gotta plug The Dollop too. It’s history-comedy but the figures they cover are often political

If the GOP is a grizzly bear running at you full-speed, the Democratic Party is the cute hat it wears. To focus on the hat is to ignore the bear that’s currently eating you.

I listened to some episodes of 5-4 and I definitely got more laughs out of it than Chapo. Not sure it’s comedy first but I still got some laughs. Although not always political, Behind the Bastards has some good moments too.

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As usual this week’s On The Media was very good.


nothing trumpy or bad about this am i rite

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That book’s looking even worse now than it did before

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Nah man, that e Dems kind of suck and Republicans are psychopaths is evergreen. If that’s the hook they want to go off of they have endless material that they can riff off of.

Latest QAnonAnonymous is very good


Does anyone have opinions about Revolutionary Left Radio? I’ve listened to one old episode and have a few more queued up on topics I am interested in.

I’ve enjoyed it a lot. Posted about it a few weeks ago. I like the guests they usually have on and the format is good imo. Also they always try and put forward a fair and nuanced discussion about the topic/person in the episode.

I just deleted my waking up app!

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He’s finally relenting on legal weed and sports betting, if we see the other side of this mess at least there will be some fun new things to do. But yeah, on covid, dude is a straight up die for the economy chump now.

The 5-4 podcast is great. I hate anyone here who is responsible for me listening to it.

Stitcher has officially once and for all ended any hope that my phone will ever again be able to connect to my car via the in-car Stitcher app. Thanks, Stitcher.

Yup. Most recent episode on Roe v. Wade is great. I’ve always been in the category of “Right outcome, bad ruling” that they mocked, and they did a pretty good job of at least partially changing my mind.