Podcast Thread

For that generation Reagan was probably reasonable.

Post Jan 6th podcast the chapos were really mad at

Anderson Cooper and CNN

I didn’t listen to the podcast but I do listen to AM radio on the road at times just to get a sampling of the rwnj derposphere: Shapiro was critical of Trump and his mixed messaging, actually retaining a bit of integrity in his comments re: discussing the situation more objectively and honestly than Chapo seems to have.

It was a mixed feeling listening to him when I put it on expecting to hear more pointed blame and spin toward everyone else. The schadenfreude was lacking but was a bit reassuring how dark it’s going to get moving forward.

The counter is the heat started getting a little hot, he started thinking self-preservation, and he’s in a group that they’d eventually target. Flying a bit close to the sun there Ben.

I mean you either have to go full Q or be deemed a traitor. There is no middle ground. All these grifters are gonna get what’s coming to them.

I too often spend hours listening to podcasts I don’t enjoy


I listen to Simmons still just to hate on him

It’s a problem


I do kind of enjoy the dumb guy sports pods still because the analytical ones can be a bit boring

I still hate listen to The Daily. Its Y’All Qaeda coverage was great, with audio I hadn’t heard and first-hand accounts from people who were there.

A Democrat will soon be in the White House. Various issues are rapidly ceasing to be important. Nature is healing.

Wasn’t Chapos whole reason for coming into existence to shit on the hildawg admin from the left?


Like Howard Stern, they made their mark with most with shock value early on.

Also like Howard Stern, they started losing their edge when what they did no longer shocked their audience. So they had to up it in order to keep their viewers. But they will eventually get to a point where they can’t be any more shocking and they’ll start losing popularity.

Stern became more conventional to avoid fading into oblivion. Chapo will have to do the same or become the left-wing’s Alex Jones.

They’re a victim of their own success. Partially due to their podcast, substantially everyone now knows that eDems suck.

Trying to tell the audience the problem is…Democrats as Donald Trump literally tries to become a dictator is just plain fucking stupid. Grow up.

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Yeah the audience is in serious danger of liking Donald Trump otherwise. What the fuck, dude.

Not sure that whole Chapo-to-fascism angle a few people on SM brought up is completely legit. That said, a minority of their listeners probably wouldn’t complain about a Castro-type dictatorship in America.

If only


Oh word? lol


Nothing screams fascist more than checks notes Fidel Castro


There can be two problems 🤷 unless you’re suggesting they are somehow pro Trump


Yeah the implication that Chapo is a funnel towards totalitarianism is pretty absurd even if some of their audience would love it.

If you say that a few more times, someone’s bound to get annoyed eventually. Stick at it!

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