Podcast Thread

Yup, super interesting episode. To give you a general idea of the kinds of things you’re going to hear, this is Shor’s pinned tweet right now:

I thought the discussion of the decline in ticket splitting, and what that means for unified party messages, was the most interesting part.


I’m only halfway through it but the WW84 chapo episode is very bad. Oh, they never explained the thing that was very clearly laid out? So insightful. The movie is bad, but this is a chore.

Well that’s bleak as fuck but we already knew that. Sucks to have it confirmed.

New 5-4 podcast with them joining another podcast " know your enemy " which is good.

Also wanted to complain On the Media and Citations needed labeling of their episodes are freaking terrible. Just a bunch of random numbers that I need to remember so I know which episode is which when I download them to my phone. Rookie shit.

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Yeah this episode sucked and so did the Christmas one. Hoping the show gets back to its roots as the Biden trainwreck unfolds.

For real. Felix bouncing around off normal people and reacting to real-world events is extremely funny. Felix unbound is not, like I tried to listen to Episode One and it’s just not funny. I even gave the vaunted Biden episode a go, but nothing. He needs the strictures of an at least notionally serious conversation for his style to work.

Who is paying for Preet’s podcast? I’m like the most likely person imaginable and I would never pay for that crap.

My father-in-law bought me a subscription for Christmas. For background, he was a lifelong R who abandoned them around 2012 when he decided the lunatics were running the asylum and decided to vote straight D until Rs came to their senses. Given what has transpired since, he is a hardcore D in the Preet mold now.

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Latest Chapo is flat out awful. Actual both sides, Biden = Trump nonsense.

I see no reason for the show to continue to exist at this point.


did you mean Cuomo? I didn’t hear much talk of Biden in the slightest.

Yeah, not sure where that’s coming from.

Will: [Max Rose is] a Democrat who thinks and acts and will vote like a Republican, because of the tremendous demand there is for that nationwide.
Felix: Yeah, as if people won’t just vote for a Republican in that case.

Riverman: This is both-sidesism, to me.

Every show that relies on shock value has to constantly up the ante on their takes to stay fresh. When they can no longer reasonably do that, the quality of the product declines and their audience follows.

During the 80s and 90s, Howard Stern having porn stars on the radio was great for him. In the 21st century, it barely registers and it’s why his show has declined

Right now they’re coasting on their reputation but that will fade soon.

The first 15 mins of #486.

You mean the stuff about how Trump won’t face Federal prosecution for anything? That’s your beef?

Can’t wait for them to downplay what happened today.

They will literally blame Democrats, 100% lock of the century, for not nominating Bernie, or something.

kara swisher has the CEO of parler on sway this morning (recorded during the riot yesterday). dude is predictably a total clown and she gets some good dunks in

Decent conversation here.

Nah. Quality has gone downhill, especially after Bernie losing the Democrat nomimation.

I was into them because of their comedy and their reading series, not hot takes and serious discussion. Both elements have fallen off. The hot couch and Iraqi dinar scam mockery feel like forever ago.

Conan did an interview with Ron Reagan talking about the recent events and the fall of the Republican party. They both agreed Republicans went down hill AFTER Reagan was president.

Kind of a bummer to hear from Conan since he’s such a history buff. I’m hoping some of that was not wanting to single out your guest’s dad for being a major part of the shitshow we have today.