Podcast Thread

Latest 5-4 is awesome regarding Cuomo church restrictions.

Agree. In addition to strong content, they’re very funny. Even Rhiannon made me laugh this time!

5-4 goat

Ya 5-4 is so good. I laugh harder in it than some comedy podcasts. Good legal analysis too!

I didn’t. I like their movie podcasts but all the movies they’ve done have had some quirk that makes them interesting, be it Stone’s conspiratorialism, Sorkins’ smug liberal utopianism, or the others’ right wing reactionary politics. Avatar really was a bland CG Dances with Wolves and none of their commentary or jokes really convinced me otherwise.

Has any other gigantic movie done less for the careers of their stars? In terms of kind of bland CG action movies from the last 15 years, give me Godzilla or Skull Island or Pacific Rim 100x over Avatar.

New “Gamblers” is about Galfond. Fun series if you haven’t checked it out.

lmao I tried to google best progressive political podcasts and one of my top searches turned up a list of Common Sense with Dan Carlin and Rachael Maddow. I didn’t even look beyond that because the disgust was too much.

Already got majority report, on the media, 5-4, and citations needed. Need more!

If you’re interesting in learning about different sects of leftism and leftist revolutionaries, leaders, and movements throughout history I really enjoy Revolutionary Left Radio. There’s even a couple of episodes that go into meditation and psychedelics and how they relate to leftism. The host is great and all the guests I’ve listened to are awesome on the show with a good format for the information given.

One of my favorite guests was a Dr. Redcrow who did his PhD about the radicalization of freedom fighters where he spent a lot of time in Rojava interviewing the fighters and learning about their lives and what lead them to their path, he’s really interesting and in one of the episodes talks about how he was picked up by Turkish intelligence off the street and was taken to a jail where they were most likely going to torture/kill him but luckily when he was taken he was walking down the street with an American friend who called the embassy right away and got him released.

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pretty sure I’ve posted on this before, but increasing the number of representatives by a factor of (at least) 10x and ensuring that states are not winner-take-all would fix about 90% of the problems with the electoral college.

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So apparently Scott Galloway is now officially consulting with the Lincoln project (he’s previously referred to them as “raging moderates” based on nothing more than they don’t like Trump). We regret to inform you that the shittons are at it again.

Will Menaker: “And no one even wants the US military to have bases in east Asia.”

Except for, you know, clear majorities in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

If you really wanna go all in on the Georgia special election, the podcast Gaining Ground: The New Georgia is worth listening to. I’m through half an episode and they’ve got lots of interviews with the people instrumental in making Georgia blue. The community organizing aspect of it is really uplifting and possibly a template for other places.

The podcast is well produced and easy to listen to, also.

I’m listening to Ep 1 of the Slow Burn season on David Duke. I’ll talk about the podcast itself later but that’s not why I’m here. They interviewed one of Duke’s opponents, who was now 94. Then, right before commercial break, they just dropped a casual “he died 2 weeks after this interview of COVID-19. Anyways, SIMPLY SAFE keeps you and your family…”

No, hold up. He died of COVID 2 weeks after you interviewed him? Did these guys give a 94yo dude COVID by interviewing him in person?!?

Was it in-person? I always assumed it was over the phone.

Haha I don’t actually know, I also assume it was phone but was amused with how casually he dropped that news

Latest rationally speaking episode is really good, discussing the rationality of voters etc. David Shor is a fantastic guest.



Can’t speak for Japan or Taiwan but the Koreans I knew when I was there were at best indifferent towards American bases being there. Though the opposition is based more in xenophobia and racism rather than military strategy.



Chapo has provided me with dozens of hours of entertainment but I fucking can’t stand tankies and they get pretty close to crossing that line on a regular basis.

Also, Jesus Christ, how have none of them ever heard “Xi Jinping” pronounced? Hearing both the X and J pronounced like its a French J is rather tilting.


I suppose there was some shyness involved in their responses to me shrug