Podcast Thread

I assume you already know about IDEOAT if you like Worst bestsellers, but just in case:

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I’ve enjoyed hell on earth but I like Matt a lot


I do they’re quite good. I can’t remember if it was you or CanadaMatt that pointed me toward them.

I listed to the first episode about PG&E yesterday. Thought it was pretty good, so I’m gonna do the second part today.

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Yea I’m also through 1 of the 2 there. I have actually found it to be a little worse than past episodes, like Dave’s narrative skills have fallen off a bit. If you like the style, do a search for their best episodes. There are some real gems in their catalog.




This one should be fun although it’s the first book I haven’t read on the series.

I’ve been waiting for this one since the series started.


The Hillbilly Elegy episode was entertaining because there’s obviously so much there but it’s the first time that I really felt the only-one-of-us-has-read-it format detracted from the episode.

Intelligence squared a great debate podcast literally asked this week if the Democratic Party has gone too far to he left. Just lol the state of debate. The dems would be a right wing party in nearly every other western democracy.

Nah. Center-right, sure. They’re mostly in line with the coalition running Czech Republic at the moment (excluding health care obv).

But the right-wing parties in Europe are basically GOP with a local twist to them.

It’s hard to make time to slog through a crap book every two weeks or so. Another bad book podcast I listen to has struggled a lot with keeping themselves motivated, I get why the IBCK guys are trading off the reading duty.


The format was perfect for the Rich Dad, Poor Dad episode (which is probably my favorite so far). Constant wtf twists that lead to a pretty complete understanding of what the author is all about.

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I read most of the big finance books years ago but not this one. It seems like a real pile of crap.

I disagree with their take that these types of books are worthless. Look at the state of financial literacy. It’s terrible. We just need better books and educational tools.

They did make the point that the kind of financial advice people really need doesn’t interest publishers. They’re looking for the “one weird trick” snake oil type of book, and RDPD falls squarely into that zone. It’s the same problem with weight loss books, as Michael pointed out (he also co-hosts the excellent Maintenance Phase podcast).


Good financial advice is essentially “eat fruits and veggies, go easy on the booze and the red meat and get regular exercise. Treat yourself, but keep it outside your regular routine.”

Boring. Simple. Not going to sell a lot of books. For many of us, it’s a lifelong struggle to stick to it! But ultimately that’s what it is.

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The new season of Embedded by NPR investigates a mortar strike in Iraq that left 2 marines and an Iraqi interpreter dead. Turns out it was friendly fire, most of the marines affected never knew for certain, and it looks like an attempted cover up. One of the Marines that called in the Mortar round?

Future Congressman and Trump Pardon Recipient Duncan Hunter, his daddy was the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee at the time. General Mattis washed it all away. Details


This was a good one. I knew nothing about the content of the book beyond that it was a financial grift thing, I was not expecting it to be so brain-meltingly incoherent. Also enjoyed the cameo appearance of THE GOLD STANDARD.

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I just discovered ‘Fly on the Wall’ and it meets your criteria. It is hosted by Dana Carvey and David Spade. They talk about their time at SNL and interview tons of old guest hosts, regular players, even musical guests (they have one with Paul McCartney). I regularly belly-laugh throughout each episode. Carvey’s impressions still kill, even though most of his best ones are of guys who are dead now. His Biden is fantastic.

I just finished the Jim Downey episode omw to work this morning. He was long time head writer of the show and responsible for some of the most memorable sketches. They spent a long time talking about Norm MacDonald and him getting fired, apparently Downey was fired at the same time but was hired back a few years later. You may remember him as this guy, he wrote the line and played the role in Billy Madison:


Highly highly recommend if you were ever a fan of the show.


Speaking of SNL, Al Franken has an excellent politics podcast and he’s still funny

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