Podcast Thread

This was great - totally exceeded expectations.

Seconded, had no idea that book is so cartoonishly awful.

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Not a single editor called bullshit on 9-year-old kids smelting toothpaste tubes into lead coins?


It was self-published. When it was re-published by a real publisher, they did edit a bit of the dumber stuff out, but you don’t want to mess with what’s working.


Appreciate you linking to this commentary from y’all promises it’s a good one

WHAT this sounds like the best thing ever made

Can’t believe the book was that bad. I had heard that it was generally a bad book but I didn’t think they leaned so much into the alpha male maker versus soy boy taker.

Thanks for posting this. Amazing work of podcasting so far.

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To think I very nearly created an UP podcast in this forum’s earliest days :eyes:


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Noooooooo I love this book lol I’m afraid to listen to this episode lol

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I haven’t listened to it, but Worst Best did an ep on this. They’re probably more in line with the book’s target audience.


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Appreciate you I enjoy that podcast too but don’t recall that episode.

I mean it’s all actually quite yeah that’s fair. I was raised in such conservative religious environments that I filtered that stuff out and just remembered the platitudes.

They get into some of the links to Men Are From Mars as well v nice

They basically say the old version had some bad gender politics but they were fixed in 2015 version. Overall it’s fine idea but not based on any science at all. It’s a bit of pop psychology from a religious perspective.

Contrapoints new video is outstanding as always. She really is the most important philosopher of human rights on YouTube. The sections starting around 55 min is maybe the best discussion of why the rhetoric around “rational debate” when it comes to minorities is so toxic.


5-4 today was Palmer v. Thompson, the Mississippi public pool closure case from the civil rights era. The majority opinion was so stupid that I think it finally broke Rhiannon.

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This was a really interesting episode, and I haven’t finished listening yet. But a part of me is wondering what exactly the right remedy is. Locality is ordered to integrate its swimming pools and instead of doing so, it closes them. (Even worse, it closed 4 out of 5 and transferred the 5th to the YMCA, who continued to operate it as a segregated pool.) That’s obviously a racist action, but I would have liked more discussion about what the 5-4 gang believes the appropriate remedy to be - can the court really order a locality to re-open its swimming pools? That seems wrong to me in a way that’s similar to how courts generally can’t/won’t enforce specific performance. But if they can’t force the locality to re-open the pools, what available remedy is there?

Maybe they tackle this at the end, and this becomes moot. Also, I have no idea what the hell happened when Rhiannon exploded.

Send in the National Guard and make them do it.


Obviously fine the city into compliance.

Why is the majority opinion stupid?

Going by memory here because I listened to it yesterday morning, but the gist of it is:

  1. The opinion said they couldn’t determine the intent of the law, which is such a mind-boggling dereliction of duty as a judge. It’s your job to determine intent! You determine intent all the time! And determining the intent of legislation is probably the easiest thing to do, because you’ve got reams and reams of records and statements saying exactly why they were doing this!

  2. Even if they could determine intent, it doesn’t really matter, because the city could just pass another law under a different intent. Except you’ve already got these fuckers on record being racist when doing it the first time! I think they made the comparison to Trump v. Hawaii and the Muslim ban, where even though the administration narrowed it down to specific countries, he campaigned for months on banning Muslims from entering the country, and you can’t just handwave all that away and say this obviously has absolutely nothing to do with that thing we were saying all the time previously, why on earth would you think that?