Phil Galfond High Stakes Challenge


2 questions. Why was everyone rooting for Phil? Why does anyone think this is legit and not rigged? Seems like a pretty good story and great pub for Phil’s site.

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Negreneau lost 100:1 bet

Times are rough, we’ll take a good story

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Omg shut up with the rigged shit. Go spend time on 2+2.

Everyone was rooting for Phil because he was down by so much earlier, because he’s likeable, and because no one knows veni.

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I know Phil from STTF days. He’s a good guy.

Just came to post that, such a great genuine reaction

Phil just said veni had a boat!

Good for him I guess. I had no interest in watching guys flip coins over 25K hands on a twitch stream, especially when it’s played on one of the competitor‘s business ventures. If PokerGo wanted to stream some of the high stakes PLO they aired with the recreational players, I’d snap watch that ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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So he was superusing!

So since they are not going to play out the final 30 hands does jman have to pay out what he would have lost over folding those 30 hands? Or did they both agree that if someone was up enough that they could fold to the win they could sit out and the numbers would freeze where they stand?

They did play it out. Phil folded every hand.

Hitting a 2 outer to scoop six figures is the most PLO thing ever. Beats my 1 outer to lose a 5 fig pot at live 10/25 plo (quads v overfull)

In that last hand Veni should’ve just gone all in instead of calling, Phil still probably calls but no point in calling in that spot for Veni since you lose if you call

That’s…not why he won 6 figures. I feel like you’re trying really hard to not like this.

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Oh thanks. I saw him sit out and everyone said it was over and after a couple of minutes I closed the window.

? Said Veni had a boat. Phil has to hit T to make bigger boat. Whoever wins that hand can fold to end?

Is there any scenario where it makes Veni more money to shove river though? Galfond is obviously never folding a better hand. But is he potting/calling a shove with even the nut straight?

Sounds like Veni had 94 for 4s full of 9s.

yeah I think it was boat vs flush on turn, phil got lucky and hit the better boat on the river

That doesn’t change my statement?