Outing Posters' Previous User Names poll in Post 125

I don’t care what someone’s 22 name is. Just that people can’t create secondary and tertiary and beyond ids here.

Does this mean I can have my accounts deleted like I asked for months ago? I’m trying hard not to read this as an implicit threat to doxx me.

At any rate, no money was stolen. However, attempting to collect a gambling debt (which you are doing) is absolutely illegal where I live (and you know where I live based on tracing my ip address).


He didn’t threaten to doxx you and he didn’t attempt to collect a gambling debt. But he should probably go ahead and ban all your accounts right now.


You claimed I stole money and then said you have the ability to out my email address after saying you have access to my ip address.

You apparently have the ability to delete my accounts, so just do it. The only reason not to would be to have a record of my personally identifying information.

Did you pay the money? Or are you really pretending that gambling debts aren’t real debts?

I vote for ban without deleting the accounts.


Just ban him. Unless we want to enjoy kicking him around for a bit first IDK.

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I’m finding this really confusing. I thought the issue here was this guy had more than one account on UP. Why do we care about his accounts on 2+2? I also agree that we shouldn’t care if he owes someone money on 2+2.


Welching on a gambling debt is the nut low. You shroud be ashamed.

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Seems a bit rude to grunch the thread, tbh.

Horrible take lol. Of course everyone should care about posters here being scumbags.


Who are you agreeing with here? For the most part I don’t care about 2p2 histories but this seems like an obvious exception.


I’m not sure what ggoreos personal motivation is here but apparently he’s used personal information to supposedly link my account here to an account at twoplustwo.com in service of collecting an alleged gambling debt. I’ll offer again for my account to be deleted if there’s a problem and in fact encourage it insofar as ggoreo is holding his access to my private info over my head.

Didn’t greg say email addresses are encrypted?

And no one knows your actual address from your IP.

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Devilishly clever of ggoreo to suss out the hidden link between accounts using the same username.


No, and they aren’t.

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No he did not. A UP admin used your IP address here to link accounts here. One of those accounts here happens to be the same name as an account at 2+2 which also has recently been outed as a scammer. He never threatened you are made any attempt to collect a debt. Go cry somewhere else.

Edit to correct who linked the IP addresses for the UP accounts.

If only we knew of previous scumbaggery


Did not what?

Edit: Oh, I thought you said the IP address between his accounts here matched?