On the Origins of Covid

Keed is doing those who are not against God’s work on this board.

Racism never has to be mentioned in this discussion. Letting deplorables dictate the parameters of a discussion is a fail and fear based thinking.

The standard for challenging strong assumptions and priors is strong evidence and/or reasoning against, not questions. If you want to flip the way people think about something, you have to bring answers. I think it’s confusing sometimes because you’ll see talks that start with questions like, “What if everything we thought we knew about armadillos was wrong?”, and then some people think they are emulating this by simply questioning fundamental assumptions because it seems novel or surprising. But the thing to realize here is that the great minds are never JAQing off–they are delivering an answer that they’ve thoroughly worked out beforehand and disguising it as a question as an opener to pique interest.

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Do you feel a major conflict between the US and China is inevitable within the next 10 years?

Good podcast:

iirc chan is the same person who said scientists would miss the lab theory because it would be against their self interest?

ok then, pass.

edit: and come on she’s claiming victory because of unsourced ‘reports’ about ‘intelligence services’ looking into things on twitter. just garbage stuff.

literally none of that is true. You dismiss a 30 minute podcast seven minutes after it is linked. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Nothing like making an internet point by posting a 30 minute podcast. Even when you lose, you still win.

hey man, I just shared a podcast I found interesting. I’ll bet others will find it interesting as well. I wasn’t making a point. I said, I found this interesting. Others can listen to it and disagree, or not listen to it, whatever. What is extremely dumb is to attack it without listening to it or knowing the first thing about it, which is what that caffeine guy is doing.

Buddy, her twitter feed is available on the public and so are your posts in this thread. You’ve cited her repeatedly. I’m sure you can find her tweets. She’s way outside scientific mainstream.

Yeah. I read her tweets. You’ve misrepresented them. If you want to attack her tweets, post them in this thread and attack them. You won’t because you’re lying about them.


Yeah man, UVC light in ventilation systems seems like a promising idea.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story has been edited to attribute the following quote to Alex Risen: ‘We know that we’re not producing any negative products. We know that at the concentrations that you’re at, you’re not getting negative effects.’ Additionally, some officials warn that bipolar ionization could emit byproducts that are harmful to inhale indoors.

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The company has a silly name though…

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Right. They’re actually a well regarded company that makes good products. I think we have like ten or so of their fans in our plant.

A silly name, totally unproven benefits, and their product might pump ionized chemicals that do god knows what into the air.

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Sounds like they could stand to work with some experienced virologists to show the effectiveness of their products.

I’m not convinced that Socrates wasn’t just JAQing off a large percentage of the time.

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