COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun


Pfizer mRNA - Part vaccinated most likely to catch UK variant, fully vaccinated more likely South Africa variant

A real-world data study in Israel - not yet peer-reviewed - found some people who had been fully vaccinated against Covid still caught the South Africa variant.

Trials of Novavax, Janssen and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines in South Africa, where B.1.351 is circulating, suggest the variant can escape some immunity and may not stop infections.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has been raging for over a year, creating global detrimental impact. The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine has demonstrated high protection levels, yet apprehension exists that several variants of concerns (VOCs) can surmount the immune defenses generated by the vaccines. Neutralization assays have revealed some reduction in neutralization of VOCs B.1.1.7 and B.1.351, but the relevance of these assays in real life remains unclear. Here, we performed a case-control study that examined whether BNT162b2 vaccinees with documented SARS-CoV-2 infection were more likely to become infected with B.1.1.7 or B.1.351 compared with unvaccinated individuals. Vaccinees infected at least a week after the second dose were disproportionally infected with B.1.351 (odds ratio of 8:1). Those infected between two weeks after the first dose and one week after the second dose, were disproportionally infected by B.1.1.7 (odds ratio of 26:10), suggesting reduced vaccine effectiveness against both VOCs under different dosage/timing conditions. Nevertheless, the B.1.351 incidence in Israel to-date remains low and vaccine effectiveness remains high against B.1.1.7, among those fully vaccinated. These results overall suggest that vaccine breakthrough infection is more frequent with both VOCs, yet a combination of mass-vaccination with two doses coupled with non-pharmaceutical interventions control and contain their spread.

I already posted about this study. Pfizer has work from South Africa directly with much larger sample sizes that shows it work. The number with the SA variant in Israel is less than 10 with something like 1 expected IIRC

Edit found it:

Always handy to actually post the study, rather than just your paragraph long view. Did you have a link to Pfizer’s own work from South Africa? Are you not confusing that work with the 4 month old lab study as the links I’m posting state this is the first real world study.

No, it was 100% effective in SA.

In South Africa, where the B.1.351 lineage is prevalent and 800 participants were enrolled, nine cases of COVID-19 were observed, all in the placebo group, indicating vaccine efficacy of 100% (95% CI, [53.5, 100.0]). In an exploratory analysis, the nine strains were sequenced and six of the nine were confirmed to be of the B.1.351 lineage. These data support previous results from immunogenicity studies demonstrating that BNT162b2 induced a robust neutralizing antibody response to the B1.351 variant, and although lower than to the wild-type strain, it does not appear to affect the high observed efficacy against this variant.

You’re only 3 days behind on the Israel study, and 14 behind the SA release.

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I’d say the company’s press release and the Israeli study are looking at two very different scenarios and that Pfizer’s study was after SA wave, during lockdown whilst Israeli study carried out during times of minimum restrictions. Israeli study shows effectiveness whereas Pfizer is quoting efficacy, presumably for a reason


Tiny sample. Placebo only 6 cases? From which we can draw Pfizer tested against average 6 cases and was :100: efficacious against 6 cases 2 weeks to 6 months after 2nd dose.

Seems a tad harsh.

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Next day

We made it home Ok. Just on the tired side. Mrs shot arm sore.

This morning
Me (mod) slight fever, mild body and headache. Took some Advil. Hopefully nap and wake up better.

Mrs (Pfi) growling like a bear when checked on. I’d guess like me only more achy. I slowly backed away for my own safety.


This thread became much more readable when I started skipping any post with the pink C in the top left OR the top right.


He’s been missing more subtle messages all over the place and this morning I had had enough.

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I added Vitamin D and Zinc to my supplement lineup last March, and I’m still here. That seems pretty conclusive imo.


I’ve been taking vitamin D and a multivitamin for years. I think the evidence isn’t out yet on whether vitamin pills are a giant scam or not, but i figure it’s at worst a minor leak if they do nothing for me.


Got an email that my JNJ vaccine scheduled for Saturday has been switched to Moderna. Really happy I’ll still be be getting one this weekend! Pushing that PA number towards 50%!