COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’ve been taking vitamin D and a multivitamin for years. I think the evidence isn’t out yet on whether vitamin pills are a giant scam or not, but i figure it’s at worst a minor leak if they do nothing for me.


Got an email that my JNJ vaccine scheduled for Saturday has been switched to Moderna. Really happy I’ll still be be getting one this weekend! Pushing that PA number towards 50%!


Little downside other than it not agreeing with your stomach. I’m highly skeptical of the vitamin d stuff but that’s based far more on my biases against various vitamin based cure all’s for major diseases than anything else.

I got burned getting my hopes up for the addition of thiamine, vitamin c and hydrocortisone (termed metabolic cocktail) for sepsis. It was cheap, easy and kinda made sense. The original paper was a BFD scientist physician.

It’s been completely debunked now in well done RCTs, to the point that I wonder if the original data was fabricated somehow. So meh, that’s my bias. Could easily see vitamin D being a surrogate for something else rather than a cause.


Yeah dropping a few extra bucks on vitamins isn’t a life leak to me.

Has nothing to do with me taking a multi and 2000 IU Vitamin D. Added Zinc when I read it was beneficial to covid protection.

Zinc lozenges is one of the few things I take when I have a URI. IIRC that actually passed a rct

oh man, I did not expect big ass fans to jump on the crazy train. they legit make some big ass fans.

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Guys, this whole “kids in school and contact tracing” thing is going really swell.

I received two emails from my kid’s school this morning.

"Good morning,

After follow-up tracing this morning, it was determined that your child was NOT a close contact to a positive COVID case in one of their classes after all. Please disregard the previous notice of mandatory quaratine. Below is information on discretionary quarantine, if you so choose. Thank you!"

When, thats a relief.

Except I never received a previous notice about a mandatory quarantine. Oh well, just a mistake I assume.

15 minutes later I received a phone call telling me to check my email about a mandatory quarantine, so I did, and received this email.

"Good morning,

After follow-up contact tracing this morning, it was determind that your child was, in fact, a close contact to a positive COVID case in one of their classes. Your child will need to mandatory quarantine based on this new information. Please read the message below with additional information. Thank you."


Well fuck, thats not good.


My child has not been on those school grounds for OVER A YEAR NOW.



The good news is, my child is elligible to return to class on 4/27… even though hes not expected to return from his online studies until August.

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I honestly assumed that, rather than a company that makes large air-moving machines, it was some sort of internet site for people who like jumbo derrières. Can’t catch coronavirus if you’re in front of you’re computer “social distancing” amirite


Exactly 15 minutes later, I now received this.

"Good Morning,

An error in our communication system may have caused you to receive an unnecessary quarantine notification this morning. We are working on fixing the error now and will be sending out accurate updates to the correct families momentarily. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding."

So, I’m sure a lot of families had a lot of fun this morning.


Since I live in NH (with its short winter days), my PCP has been pushing Vitamin D to all of his patients for years.


We may have a demand problem:

Some of this must be driven by uncertainty around what sort of supply will be available. And adding appointments when they get supply. Those dates were not available at all a few weeks ago. The dates following those in your screen shot have very few appointments available.

Vaccinated folks: what kind of limitations or restrictions are you still adhering to in your every day lives? Indoor dining, gyms, traveling, ect… Masking in public is still a given so not counting that.

Pretty much nothing has changed here for now. Still working from home. Still making everywhere, still having our 19 year old essentially self-quarantine since he works fast food in a small place with a lot of people until my other son is elligible

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But we could agree that, to date, the best studies show with Pfizer you’re not safe (non severe outcome) against variants until 2 weeks after 2nd dose… And that’s Pfizer telling you that in an area with declining cases

No licking door knobs yet imo

I’ve been fully vaccinated since mid Feb. Have not gone to any indoor restaurants, but did eat outside once. Have been hanging out indoors with a friend who is also fully vaxxed. Been outdoors with mixed vaxxed/unvaxxed and mask when distancing isn’t possible.

Have not returned to in person work, or group fitness. I’m going to stores now, still double masking though.

Important to my decision making is that my entire immediate family is now fully vaccinated, except for my 3 year old niece. If any of them were not yet vaccinated I’d still be taking stricter precautions.


Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my second shot. Not much will change, but here are a few things:

  • I will be getting a haircut from a professional, rather than Mrs. spidercrab. I assume I’ll be wearing a mask during most of the haircut.
  • I will start going to the grocery store occasionally. I’ve gone maybe 3-4 times in the last 13 months, but I’ll be going more regularly, primarily to pick out produce myself.
  • Mrs. spidercrab has mentioned going out to a restaurant for our anniversary. Not sure I’m ready for that yet - I still feel extremely uncomfortable any time I’m indoors around other people, and that’s going to be especially true in a restaurant.

I will continue:

  • working from home as long as other people in my department do. I like being in the in-person atmosphere, but most other people aren’t in the office, I don’t get any benefit from being there myself.
  • wearing a mask any time I’m indoors and/or outdoors in close proximity to other people. (I don’t wear a mask when I go running because I almost never come within 10 feet of anyone else outside.)