COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yeah polling random people my age 25-35, I’d say like 3/10 are planning to get the vaccine.

To counter this with more anecdotal evidence- my extended friend group of 20+ people have all gotten vaccinated. Ages 25-35.


Anecdote but the guy who was super vaccine skeptical tagged me on this, I pointed out how insanely careful they’re being if they’re pausing it over something that only effects 1 out of 1,000,000 people and hows how completely transparent they are and he said he completely agrees.

So I believe this.

Similar to my experience.

I don’t know a single person in my friend, family or coworker group who isn’t vaccinated, with an appointment or wants an appointment but isn’t eligible yet.

The things I’ll be looking to add will be hosting or visiting vaxxed neighbors and friends in the area, ending of wiping down groceries, and maybe some occasional al fresco dining when the local case load gets low (it’s not very low and currently rising right now) and when I can get someone else to watch my unvaxxed girls.


Super stoked you were able to get fully vaccinated! And the wife too of course.

We fucking made it dude!


Shot number two of Moderna is in my arm.


I’m participating in a research study that’s following COVID vaccine efficacy in IBD patients who are on immunosuppressants. Getting the first labs drawn next week, about 3 months after the first shot, to test for antibody levels. Pretty excited to see the results for (hopefully) further peace of mind, but damn will it be heartbreaking if they come back with bad results.


To add a less cautious anecdote, once I’m double-shotted I plan to return to the gym. Lack of gym / getting out of shape has been a noticeable decrease in my personal well-being, something working out at home hasn’t been able to resolve.

I don’t really feel a need to do a lot of other things, though, like indoor dining. Weather is warming up, outdoor dining will be just fine.

Also relevant to my decision to return to the gym is that everyone in my bubble, both friends here and family relatively nearby, are going to be vaccinated.


I think they should continue to administer J&J vigorously as the try to figure out what’s going on.

The claim that pfizer and moderna can fill the gap is stupid as long as there is more demand then supply on a worldwide basis.

IMO the people making the decision to cease administration have blood on their hands.

And no improvement for non-J&J.

Gracias. Turns out she is fine, just slept in. We are both able to WFH today.

It is an amazing feeling. :high-five:

My biggest add will be work and granddaughter travel. Delta does a pretty good job and the high airflow makes the mask easy to wear for long periods.

Otherwise we stick with our dead Friday afternoon grocery run and outdoor eating.

Other than that we are loving the lack of stress. My biggest worry if I had to travel was to bring it home to the Mrs. Such a relief.


Second shot 3+ weeks ago. After first shot spent time in Hawaii with friends where they required negative rapid test to enter the island and had lowest incidence of cases in the country. Indoor dining and lots of outdoor unmasked activity.

Have gone to grocery stores for months masked. 3 weeks after second shot flew to LA and have dined indoors with significant distance from other groups. Anecdotally most people wear a mask outdoors (not everyone) and everyone indoors outside of restaurants.

Some friends are planning on attending EDC May 21-23 which in a normal year would be 150-200k people gathered per day at a nascar track across the festival. Originally Las Vegas denied the health and safety plan for this event but the organizers are expecting the event to be approved. Can anyone steel man the argument against attending an event like this?


My only argument would be the timing. If it was October instead of May I see no issues with it as everyone that wants a vaccine will have had ample time to do so. 5 weeks seems really close since vaccines are just now available to all.

Not to the 2 week spot, but not sure what my answer will be here.

Weather will be better for outdoor dining anyway, so probably going to be doing that for the near future.

Definitely traveling to visit my wife’s mother in Texas in July. Would like to see my grandmother in NC when they open the facility to visitors again.

Not sure when I’ll travel for fun again. Hopefully soon.

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The shooter was good. Barely felt the shot. I think giving the shoulder a good squeeze and pushing out the injection spot was key.

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I get dose two in a few hours

10 days after that

Yolo Time


Also. Two music festivals in Ohio this summer. Going to both of those as well.

Cannot wait.



I feel ok 20 hours after dose. Had a headache and body aches + some brain fog this morning but after some tylenol and my other meds I feel good enough to work. Not 100% but I’m hoping this is as bad as it gets.